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TAN’s pocket-sized edition helps you to carry it wherever you go, to constantly remind yourself that God is guarding you. He does not send you any joy too great to bear or any trial too difficult to overcome.</p>\n<p> </p>","tags":[],"warranty":"","price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$9.95","value":9.95,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax","sale_price_without_tax":{"formatted":"$9.95","value":9.95,"currency":"USD"}},"height":"6.00","detail_messages":"","availability":"","page_title":"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness","cart_url":"https://tanbooks.com/cart.php","max_purchase_quantity":0,"mpn":null,"upc":"9780895552167","shipping_messages":[],"rating":5,"reviews":{"messages":[],"total":67,"end":9,"start":1,"list":[{"name":"Angel ","rating":"5","title":"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence ","text":"I have to copy that I have been reading for years. It is a great book to at adoration and before bed time. \r\n Bought two more to give to others. ","date":"Nov 21st 2024"},{"name":"Joanne","rating":"5","title":"Trustful Surrender To Divine Providence","text":"I received this book from my Parish priest. I purchased twenty five copies for my family and friends thinking lt will bring them back to the church","date":"Aug 1st 2024"},{"name":"Mary","rating":"5","title":"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence","text":"Handy little book. Easily available for reflection on my surrendering status. Easy to read when I may not be of too delving a mind. ","date":"Jul 5th 2024"},{"name":"GR","rating":"5","title":"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence","text":"Excellently written by both Fr. Jean Baptiste Saint Jure and Saint Claude de la Colombière. Their reflections bring us closer to learning and understanding better what God’s Divine Providence is. Lots to meditate and reflect on.","date":"Jun 16th 2024"},{"name":"Michael baker ","rating":"5","title":"trustful surrender to divine providence ","text":"we must submit our will to the trust of Our Lord in all things of life","date":"Jun 6th 2024"},{"name":"HRG","rating":"5","title":"This is a wonderful book. I have sent copies to several friends and relatives.","text":"Should be required reading for all.","date":"Apr 24th 2024"},{"name":"Gloria Schrader","rating":"5","title":"I would Totally Recommend this Beautiful and Helpful Book to Everyone.","text":"Have purchased several copies to give to others. Excellent Book","date":"Mar 6th 2024"},{"name":"JAMES KELLEY ","rating":"5","title":"Spiritually enlightenment ","text":"Out of the many books that I have so far purchased and read from Tan Publishing, this little book punches well above its weight and size. I just recently learned of the important difference between the two terms “surrender” and “conformity”. Surrendering your will by a command from a higher power or authority is devoid of any merit due in part to its mandatory nature. Conformity on the other hand is completely meritorious and a means of Grace due to the non obligatory sacrifice being offered freely by unifying our will with God’s Divine Will. There is much to glean from the pages of this little gem and should be read again and again until we can put into practice that true conformity of His Will!\r\nIf there only two books that I could have by on my night stand, besides my Bible, one would be Humility of Heart by Bergamo, the other would be Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence. I simply cannot recommend these two more emphatically.","date":"Jan 13th 2024"},{"name":"Deanna","rating":"5","title":"MUST READ .. God knows best & in His hands nothing can go wrong ?","text":"Best gift to share and spare one from agony of second guessing why God allows what happens to us. Jesus I trust in you come what may!","date":"Nov 18th 2023"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"God's Will,Divine Will,Divine Providence","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-iuax7bpgx3/images/stencil/{:size}/products/1473/7851/7851__72555.1675951641.jpg?c=1","alt":"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness"},{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-iuax7bpgx3/images/stencil/{:size}/products/1473/7849/7849__01879.1675951639.jpg?c=1","alt":"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness"},{"data":"https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-iuax7bpgx3/images/stencil/{:size}/products/1473/7850/7850__88404.1675951640.jpg?c=1","alt":"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness"}],"width":"4.00"}
Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness
To trust in God’s will is the “secret of happiness and content,” the one sure-fire way to attain serenity in this world and salvation in the next. Trustful Surrender simply and clearly answers questions that many Christians have regarding God’s will, the existence of evil, and the practice of trustful surrender, such as:
How can God will or allow evil?
Why does God allow bad things to happen to innocent people?
Why does God appear not to answer our prayers?
What is Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence?
This enriching classic will lay to rest many doubts and fears and open the door to peace and acceptance of God’s will. TAN’s pocket-sized edition helps you to carry it wherever you go, to constantly remind yourself that God is guarding you. He does not send you any joy too great to bear or any trial too difficult to overcome.