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If you follow the advice written in this book, you will likely become a saint.","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"Mary F.","rating":"5","title":"Great Book","text":"I read the few pages. It&#039;s make me grow in the faith to God.","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"Cynthia E.","rating":"5","title":"I Love this book!","text":"I keep this book on my nightstand. It helps me focus my thoughts on trustful surrender to God&#039;s Will and return to His peace.","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"Fran","rating":"4","title":"I would love feedback on this review that I found. Thank you.","text":"There is an enormous difference between what is the holy sovereign will of God and what occurs because of His permissive will. This book makes no distinction and thus it falls into grave error. Quote from page 19 &quot;Your misfortunes are not the work of this person or that person, but of God.&quot; Really, 6 million Holocaust victims deaths were the work of God? The fall of Lucifer was the work of God? Children dying of cancer is the work of God? The murder of Jesus was the work of God? No, these fell within God&#039;s permissive will, not His pure sovereign will. God, in His glory and power can take horrible evil and turn it into good, in this world or in the next. The pages in this book that argue that the evil that occurs is from God Himself, and we humans do not understand this, and thus makes God responsible for evil and sin. This is impossible. So what we can do, by faith, is know that nothing is beyond God&#039;s power to redeem, on that we can rely, that is rock we can build on. This lack of distinction can turn men from God instead of towards God who can bring amazing good from horrible evil. But evil never comes from Him. This premise of all calamity and evil coming directly from God is heretical and close to blasphemous--and dangerous for a suffering soul seeking to accept misfortunes with the knowledge that God alone can bring great good from great evil, and God will &quot;dry every tear.&quot; To tell a suffering soul that God is the root cause of evil that occurs will turn men from God, and is heretical as God cannot will or do any evil. He gives angels and men free will, and angels rebelled and man fell into sin, both introducing evil because of disobedience to the sovereign will of Almighty God. Read another book without this error pervading the logic.","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"Randy G.","rating":"5","title":"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence","text":"Wonderful book. Hopefully it will change my life.","date":"Apr 18th 2023"},{"name":"CAROL Y.","rating":"5","title":"Providence is God&#039;s Name!","text":"Excellent review of acknowledging God&#039;s Love for all his creatures, and for me personally. Trust and humility are the way to being at home in his heart -- as this little treatise explains.","date":"Apr 11th 2023"},{"name":"LINDA S.","rating":"5","title":"What an uplifting book, I","text":"What an uplifting book, I read it every single day over and over. Easily understood.","date":"Apr 2nd 2023"},{"name":"Jessica O.","rating":"5","title":"This book, although small, packs","text":"This book, although small, packs a mighty punch! It is our household go-to. I highly recommend it to all that are seeking a more trustful surrender to Gods providence in their life.","date":"Jan 21st 2023"},{"name":"BRIAN Z.","rating":"5","title":"Read This Before Anything Else...","text":"This is an amazingly grace filled read. Reading this is the foundation for everything else in trying to live out our faith. Read it and start practicing it immediately. We must trust Jesus and surrender to him for our faith to remain in tact in these end times. This book tells you how. Please TAN keep these classics available.","date":"Jan 7th 2023"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"God's Will,Divine Will,Divine Providence","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/1473/7851/7851__72555.1675951641.jpg?c=1","alt":"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness"},{"data":"{:size}/products/1473/7849/7849__01879.1675951639.jpg?c=1","alt":"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness"},{"data":"{:size}/products/1473/7850/7850__88404.1675951640.jpg?c=1","alt":"Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness"}],"width":"4.00"}

Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence: The Secret of Peace and Happiness

(62 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/Become a Saint/Spiritual Direction","Books/General /TAN Essentials","Books/Become a Saint/Prayer & Meditation"]

To trust in God’s will is the “secret of happiness and content,” the one sure-fire way to attain serenity in this world and salvation in the next. Trustful Surrender simply and clearly answers questions that many Christians have regarding God’s will, the existence of evil, and the practice of trustful surrender, such as:

  • How can God will or allow evil? 
  • Why does God allow bad things to happen to innocent people?
  • Why does God appear not to answer our prayers? 
  • What is Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence? 

This enriching classic will lay to rest many doubts and fears and open the door to peace and acceptance of God’s will. TAN’s pocket-sized edition helps you to carry it wherever you go, to constantly remind yourself that God is guarding you. He does not send you any joy too great to bear or any trial too difficult to overcome.


St. Claude de la Colombière
Fr. Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure
TAN Books
Publication Date:
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62 Reviews

  • 5
    Best TAN Book Ever!

    Posted by Patrick on May 24th 2023

    This is the best TAN book! If you follow the advice written in this book, you will likely become a s…

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  • 5
    Great Book

    Posted by Mary F. on May 24th 2023

    I read the few pages. It's make me grow in the faith to God.

  • 5
    I Love this book!

    Posted by Cynthia E. on May 24th 2023

    I keep this book on my nightstand. It helps me focus my thoughts on trustful surrender to God's…

    Read More
  • 4
    I would love feedback on this review that I found. Thank you.

    Posted by Fran on May 24th 2023

    There is an enormous difference between what is the holy sovereign will of God and what occurs becau…

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  • 5
    Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence

    Posted by Randy G. on Apr 18th 2023

    Wonderful book. Hopefully it will change my life.

  • 5
    Providence is God's Name!

    Posted by CAROL Y. on Apr 11th 2023

    Excellent review of acknowledging God's Love for all his creatures, and for me personally. Trus…

    Read More
  • 5
    What an uplifting book, I

    Posted by LINDA S. on Apr 2nd 2023

    What an uplifting book, I read it every single day over and over. Easily understood.

  • 5
    This book, although small, packs

    Posted by Jessica O. on Jan 21st 2023

    This book, although small, packs a mighty punch! It is our household go-to. I highly recommend it to…

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  • 5
    Read This Before Anything Else...

    Posted by BRIAN Z. on Jan 7th 2023

    This is an amazingly grace filled read. Reading this is the foundation for everything else in trying…

    Read More