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Thank you.","date":"Jun 14th 2024"},{"name":"AMS","rating":"5","title":"A good read indeed, and useful","text":"The author, a Ph.D. with a long career teaching history at a community college in Virginia, has written a work for all Catholics who still blush when people bring up the Crusades or the Inquisition or Galileo in order to waive away any insights the Church&#039;s teaching can bring to bear on current issues. A serious student of history, she&#039;s kept up to date with the wealth of serious scholarship that has debunked all the lies that continue to be ignored by popular writers and textbook companies. The appendix with recommended reading is really helpful, a great place to find the scholarly works that refute the anti-Catholic bigots. And she&#039;s witty, too...","date":"Feb 19th 2024"},{"name":"Connor Powers","rating":"5","title":"One of Dr. Moczar’s finest!","text":"I have long felt that Diane Moczar’s words cut glass, and this book affirmed that belief. Her historical analysis provides readers with a decidedly Catholic interpretation of history in a Protestant world. Refuting common anti-Catholic myths about certain historical events, Dr. Moczar arms Catholics with the facts and their meaning, enabling them to overcome some of the strongest Protestant tales that have been spun over the years. ","date":"Nov 6th 2023"},{"name":"Tonya Mena","rating":"5","title":"Great Read","text":"“Facts are neutral, but willful distortions of facts are lies; and once the lies are articulated, they do not cease to be lies even when they are innocently repeated by those who are unaware of their mendacity.” \r\n\r\nIn her book Seven Lies About Catholic History, Diane Moczar discusses the perpetuating myths and untruths surrounding, The Dark Ages, The Crusades, The Inquisition, Galileo, and The Black Plague. This book is a great introduction to each of these topics, but will not be your only source. Ms. Moczar makes it clear that her book is not to be the definitive resource for Church history, but a brief introduction, and provides additional resources and citations for the reader throughout her work. \r\n\r\nSeven Lies would be a great introductory read for an upper middle or high school homeschool history class. Ms. Moczar’s easy, conversational style makes the information accessible and easily digestible. \r\n\r\n ","date":"Sep 22nd 2023"},{"name":"Bernadine B.","rating":"4","title":"I purchased books to re","text":"I purchased books to re supply our church library. This us one if the books.","date":"Aug 29th 2022"},{"name":"Katherine D.","rating":"5","title":"Great read!","text":"Very informative. Great subjects to talk about and be broken down into detail. Helpful in order to present myths to non-Catholics.\nI will definitely be reading this several times over. It&#039;s a good book to read bits and pieces at a time, as well as skipping to different chapters for different topics.","date":"Aug 13th 2022"},{"name":"Connor E.","rating":"5","title":"Fantastic history","text":"It was a great book on Catholic history","date":"Jun 18th 2022"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"Dark Ages,Protestantism,Catholic Church History","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"Seven Lies About Catholic History: Infamous Myths about the Church's Past and How to Answer Them","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/1353/1708/1708__36095.1675951636.jpg?c=1","alt":"Seven Lies About Catholic History: Infamous Myths about the Church's Past and How to Answer Them"},{"data":"{:size}/products/1353/1753/1753__41568.1675951637.jpg?c=1","alt":"Seven Lies About Catholic History: Infamous Myths about the Church's Past and How to Answer Them"},{"data":"{:size}/products/1353/1794/1794__74530.1675951638.jpg?c=1","alt":"Seven Lies About Catholic History: Infamous Myths about the Church's Past and How to Answer Them"}],"width":"5.50"}

Seven Lies About Catholic History: Infamous Myths about the Church's Past and How to Answer Them

(7 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/Tradition/Church History","Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks","Books/Become a Saint/Catholic Converts"]
The world hates the Church that Jesus founded, just as He said it would (John 15:18). It reviles her doctrines, mocks her moral teachings, and invents lies about her history. In every age, but especially in our modern day, historians and political powers have distorted the facts about her past (or just made up novel falsehoods from scratch) to make the Church, and the civilization it fostered, seem corrupt, backward, or simply evil.

In Seven Lies about Catholic History, Diane Moczar (author of Islam at the Gates) tackles the most infamous and prevalent historical myths about the Church—popular legends that you encounter everywhere from textbooks to T.V.—and reveals the real truth about them. She explains how they got started and why they're still around, and best of all, she gives you the facts and the arguments you need to set the record straight about:
  • The Inquisition: how it was not a bloodthirsty institution but a merciful (and necessary) one;
  • Galileo's trial: why moderns invented a myth around it to make science appear incompatible with the Catholic faith (it's not);
  • The Reformation: why the 16th-century Church was not totally corrupt (as even some Catholics wrongly believe), as well as how the reformers made things worse for everybody;
  • And other lies that the world uses to attack and discredit the Faith

Written in a brisk style that's fun and easy to read, Seven Lies about Catholic History provides the lessons that every Catholic needs in order to defend and explain not just apologize for the Church's rich and complex history.

Diane Moczar
TAN Books
Publication Date:
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7 Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Anna Garcia on Jun 14th 2024

    Why do you send me your review so quickly like I just have time to sit down and read it when it come…

    Read More
  • 5
    A good read indeed, and useful

    Posted by AMS on Feb 19th 2024

    The author, a Ph.D. with a long career teaching history at a community college in Virginia, has writ…

    Read More
  • 5
    One of Dr. Moczar’s finest!

    Posted by Connor Powers on Nov 6th 2023

    I have long felt that Diane Moczar’s words cut glass, and this book affirmed that belief. Her histor…

    Read More
  • 5
    Great Read

    Posted by Tonya Mena on Sep 22nd 2023

    “Facts are neutral, but willful distortions of facts are lies; and once the lies are articulated, th…

    Read More
  • 4
    I purchased books to re

    Posted by Bernadine B. on Aug 29th 2022

    I purchased books to re supply our church library. This us one if the books.

  • 5
    Great read!

    Posted by Katherine D. on Aug 13th 2022

    Very informative. Great subjects to talk about and be broken down into detail. Helpful in order to p…

    Read More
  • 5
    Fantastic history

    Posted by Connor E. on Jun 18th 2022

    It was a great book on Catholic history