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Paul O'Sullivan offers an optimistic book showing how any ordinary Catholic can become holy&mdash;and supremely so. Every day there are innumerable opportunities to become holier, hidden for us to find. 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Catholic or otherwise. This book opens the understanding of the power of LOVE moving each soul closer to sanctification. Beautifully and understandably written for anyone to read","date":"Mar 20th 2024"},{"name":"Steven McEvoy","rating":"5","title":"Well worth the read. ","text":"This was the seventh volume from Father Paul that I have read, so far this year. I picked the first book, The Wonders of the Mass, up because it was promoted by TAN books in an email blast. They were promoting a bundle of books by Father Paul O&#039;Sullivan. I know I have seen the covers before. After reading the first one I picked up a few more. And I realizes I should have grabbed the whole bundle. Each of the books I have read so far has been great. And this is another excellent read. The shorter description of this book is:\r\n\r\n“A very optimistic book showing how an &quot;ordinary&quot; Catholic can become a great saint without ever doing anything &quot;extraordinary&quot;--just by using the many opportunities for holiness that to most people lie hidden in each day. Written with an assurance of success that is totally convincing and infectious. Many easy but infallible means of reaching great sanctity.”\r\n\r\nAnd the chapters are:\r\n\r\nPublisher&#039;s Note \r\nForeword: An Easy Way to Become a Saint \r\n\r\n1. Two Kinds of Saints \r\n2. How to Love God \r\n3. The Wonderful Things God Has Done for Us \r\n4. God&#039;s Greatest Proof of Love \r\n5. The Passion \r\n6. After His Ascension \r\n7. We Must Do Everything for the Love of God \r\n8. The Principal Duties of the Day \r\n9. Reading \r\n10. Meditation \r\n\r\nHow to Go to Confession \r\nThe Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart\r\n\r\nThis is a shorter read. And about the middle of the pack of Father Paul’s books I have read to date. It comes in at 82 pages for the eBook and only 120 for the print edition. It is a very good book. That is well written. It has excellent spiritual advice. One of the chapters that had a great impact on me was Chapter 9 Reading. Father Paul states:\r\n\r\n“We have pointed out that the reason for so little sanctity in many souls is not weakness or malice, but ignorance. Spiritual reading dispels this ignorance and helps us to feel all the charm and consolation of God&#039;s blessed love.\r\n\r\nEvery Catholic should without fail make spiritual reading daily for ten or fifteen minutes. The neglect of this duty is disastrous.”\r\n\r\nHe makes some recommendations about reading:\r\n\r\nRead books that appeal to you.\r\nPray before reading.\r\nRead your book not once but many times.\r\n\r\nThis section also has a quote or summary of several of Father Paul’s books, as well as makes reference to several other good options.\r\n\r\nI believe I have now read all the books from TAN that are currently in print by Father Paul. There appears to be two other volumes that do not seem to be in print. Which I believe is a great pity. If they are anywhere as good as this one or the others I have read, it is a great loss that they are not still available. \r\n\r\nFather Paul writes in an easy and engaging way. It took everything I had to not consume his books back to back. Another fantastic read from the pen of Father Paul O’Sullivan. This book helps us realize the call to be saints, or as Matthew Kelly always puts it “To become the best version of ourselves.”. It is an excellent volume that any Catholic would benefit from reading. I highly recommend it.","date":"Dec 26th 2023"},{"name":"DANIEL S.","rating":"4","title":"Sure path to hope","text":"While every properly educated Catholic understands, salvation to heaven is not a given, nor a garantee. But if we live as we should, we hope to have access to heaven. This book is very good in that it clarifies that for the everyday person. Having lively sediments of salvation doesnot come without effort nor understanding. I love the books written pre-vatican II, as they adhere to sound doctrine and theology that has produced saints throughout history. An easy read for anyone wondering what must I do in the world we live in. While Christ provided that answer 2000 years ago, many become lost in this modern over busy world in which we must exist. Enjoy!","date":"Mar 26th 2023"},{"name":"THERESE B.","rating":"5","title":"Review for this book","text":"I think this one is a beautiful simple and easy read !!","date":"Mar 25th 2023"},{"name":"Robert C.","rating":"5","title":"Easy way to b come a Saint","text":"Father Sullivan is excellent in just getting straight to the point.¶ For those who are struggling with their spirituality¶ He give some excellent methods and tools to be able to improve ones interior life","date":"Jun 8th 2022"},{"name":"Rosemarie C.","rating":"5","title":"Another great book¶I just want","text":"Another great book¶I just want to fill my library with TAN books. They are the best!!!","date":"Mar 15th 2022"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"Love of God,The Passion,Meditation","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"An Easy Way to Become a Saint","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/2609/1622/1622__91898.1675951637.jpg?c=1","alt":"An Easy Way to Become a Saint"},{"data":"{:size}/products/2609/1645/1645__30444.1675951639.jpg?c=1","alt":"An Easy Way to Become a Saint"}],"width":"4.25"}

An Easy Way to Become a Saint

(6 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/Become a Saint/Lives of the Saints","Books/Become a Saint/Biographies","Books/General /TAN Essentials","St. Benedict's Feast Day Sale"]

While attaining sanctity is the most important thing in the world (for ourselves and for others, because everyone benefits from one's personal sanctification), sanctity need not be seen as the hardest thing in the world. It is always the greatest challenge, but nothing "extraordinary" is required of us. In fact, the perfection of the ordinary is precisely where God calls most of us to grow: "Whoever is faithful in the least thing also will also be faithful in greater things" (Luke 16:10).

Thus, in An Easy Way to Become a Saint, mainstay author Fr. Paul O'Sullivan offers an optimistic book showing how any ordinary Catholic can become holy—and supremely so. Every day there are innumerable opportunities to become holier, hidden for us to find. Father O'Sullivan shows us how, writing with an assurance of success that is totally convincing and infectious.

Fr. Paul O'Sullivan, EDM OP, STL
TAN Books
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6 Reviews

  • 5
    An Easy Way to Become a Saint

    Posted by Stephen on Mar 20th 2024

    I think absolutely every Christian should read this book. Catholic or otherwise. This book opens t…

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  • 5
    Well worth the read.

    Posted by Steven McEvoy on Dec 26th 2023

    This was the seventh volume from Father Paul that I have read, so far this year. I picked the first …

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  • 4
    Sure path to hope

    Posted by DANIEL S. on Mar 26th 2023

    While every properly educated Catholic understands, salvation to heaven is not a given, nor a garant…

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  • 5
    Review for this book

    Posted by THERESE B. on Mar 25th 2023

    I think this one is a beautiful simple and easy read !!

  • 5
    Easy way to b come a Saint

    Posted by Robert C. on Jun 8th 2022

    Father Sullivan is excellent in just getting straight to the point.¶ For those who are struggling wi…

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  • 5
    Another great book¶I just want

    Posted by Rosemarie C. on Mar 15th 2022

    Another great book¶I just want to fill my library with TAN books. They are the best!!!