
Read the book of the year: Confessions!

{"num_reviews":9,"url":"","add_this":[{"service":"","annotation":""}],"gtin":null,"id":"3705","can_purchase":true,"meta_description":"War of the Antichrist","category":["Books/Tradition/Contra Mundi","Books/Tradition/Church History","Books/Occasions /Gifts","Books/Become a Saint/Spiritual Warfare","St. Benedict's Feast Day Sale","Spiritual Warfare Flash Sale"],"AddThisServiceButtonMeta":"","main_image":{"data":"{:size}/products/3705/9158/9158__95915.1675951641.jpg?c=1","alt":"The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=3705","custom_fields":[{"id":"55913","name":"Author","value":"Msgr. George F. Dillon, DD"},{"id":"55914","name":"Publication Date","value":"04/25/2023"},{"id":"55915","name":"Editor","value":"Joshua Charles"},{"id":"55916","name":"Pages","value":"376"},{"id":"55917","name":"Pdf","value":""}],"sku":"3175","description":"<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Catholics have always known that Satan wages a constant war against the Church. But the past three centuries have witnessed a far more radical onslaught than ever before, leading to a rapid and universal apostasy among formerly Christian nations. Who or what is behind this greatest of all apostasies from the Catholic Church? According to this prophetic book, it is Freemasonry.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Originally published by Monsignor George Dillon, DD, in 1885 in response to Pope Leo XIII&rsquo;s call to &ldquo;tear away the mask from Freemasonry,&rdquo; </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"> lays out the facts of Freemasonry, its history, and its anti-Christic ideology. Though written over 130 years ago, it remains stunningly relevant. Monsignor Dillon details the Masonic plot to de-Christianize the world through the separation of Church and state, &ldquo;democratic&rdquo; ideology, religious indifferentism, civil marriage and easy divorce laws, secularized education, the encouragement of moral decay among the population, the destruction of the temporal and spiritual authority of the pope, all animated by an atheistic Socialist, Communist, and ultimately pantheistic ideology of nature worship that will climax with the arrival of the antichrist. The result was considered so trustworthy that Pope Leo XIII endorsed it and paid for its translation and printing in Italian.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">This cannot be dismissed as a &ldquo;conspiracy theory.&rdquo;</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">But as Monsignor Dillon makes clear, the duty of Catholics in light of this war of the antichrist with the Church and Christian civilization remains constant: to love God above all, love our neighbors as ourselves, and to confront evil wherever we find it&mdash;first within ourselves, and then in the world around us. Only by bearing the cross with Our Lord during these dark days can we secure salvation for ourselves and others.</span></p>\n<p>\n<script src=\"\" async=\"\"></script>\n<script src=\"\" async=\"\"></script>\n</p>\n<p><span class=\"wistia_embed wistia_async_w194cspf5w popover=true popoverAnimateThumbnail=true\" style=\"display: inline-block; height: 200px; position: relative; width: 356px;\">&nbsp;</span></p>","tags":[],"warranty":"","price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$29.95","value":29.95,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax"},"height":"8.50","detail_messages":"","availability":"","page_title":"The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization","cart_url":"","max_purchase_quantity":0,"mpn":null,"upc":"9781505128475","options":[{"id":5282,"type":"Configurable_PickList_Set","display_name":"Format","required":true,"state":"variant_option","partial":"set-rectangle","condition":true,"values":[{"id":10442,"label":"Hardcover","selected":true,"data":"Hardcover"},{"id":10581,"label":"eBook","selected":false,"data":"eBook"},{"id":10586,"label":"MP3 Audio Download","selected":false,"data":"MP3 Audio Download"}]}],"related_products":[{"id":3823,"sku":"TE8499","name":"The War of the Antichrist (eBook)","url":"","availability":"","rating":0,"brand":null,"category":["Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks"],"summary":"","image":{"data":"{:size}/products/3823/9647/9158__95915__51020.1682428330.jpg?c=1","alt":"The War of the Antichrist (eBook)"},"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/3823/9647/9158__95915__51020.1682428330.jpg?c=1","alt":"The War of the Antichrist (eBook)"}],"date_added":"Jan 17th 2023","pre_order":false,"show_cart_action":true,"has_options":false,"stock_level":null,"low_stock_level":null,"qty_in_cart":0,"custom_fields":[{"id":50625,"name":"Product Format","value":"MP3 Audio Download"}],"num_reviews":0,"weight":{"formatted":"0.00 LBS","value":0},"demo":false,"add_to_cart_url":"","price":{"without_tax":{"currency":"USD","formatted":"$9.95","value":9.95},"tax_label":"Tax"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=3823"},{"id":3926,"sku":"TA2274","name":"The War of the Antichrist (MP3 Audio Download)","url":"","availability":"","rating":0,"brand":null,"category":["Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks"],"summary":"","image":{"data":"{:size}/products/3926/9654/WarOfTheAntichrist_AudioCover__11924.1682627364.jpg?c=1","alt":"The War of the Antichrist (MP3 Audio Download)"},"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/3926/9654/WarOfTheAntichrist_AudioCover__11924.1682627364.jpg?c=1","alt":"The War of the Antichrist (MP3 Audio Download)"}],"date_added":"Apr 27th 2023","pre_order":false,"show_cart_action":true,"has_options":false,"stock_level":null,"low_stock_level":null,"qty_in_cart":0,"custom_fields":[{"id":56209,"name":"Product Format","value":"MP3 Audio Download"},{"id":58899,"name":"SEARCH_IGNORE","value":"true"}],"num_reviews":0,"weight":{"formatted":"0.00 LBS","value":0},"demo":false,"add_to_cart_url":"","price":{"without_tax":{"currency":"USD","formatted":"$29.95","value":29.95},"tax_label":"Tax"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=3926"},{"id":2930,"sku":"152-GROUPED","name":"The Reign of Antichrist","url":"","availability":"","rating":0,"brand":null,"category":["Books/Tradition/Contra Mundi","Books/Become a Saint/Spiritual Direction"],"summary":"Old Testament and New Testament prophecies about Antichrist plus many, many prophecies from saints and holy people. 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This is a book I recommend to everyone daily!","date":"Mar 2nd 2024"},{"name":"Marilis Pineiro","rating":"5","title":"A must read! ","text":"I think so many are under the false impression about freemasonry and its continued evil agenda against the Church. This book gives great insight and detail about the rise of freemasonry and how its influenced the Church and politics. It’s an absolute must read as this topic is more relevant than ever in our world today. I definitely recommend everyone get their hands it and give it a read! ","date":"Jul 9th 2023"},{"name":"Chad Judice","rating":"5","title":"Conspiracy Theory becomes Spoiler Alert - Short Review of The War for the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization","text":"Since the onset of the events of 2020 my eyes have been open to realities that beforehand because of either indifference or ignorance were hiding in plain sight. I have been following the narrative both inside and outside of the Church since March 2020 like a fine tooth comb with eyes of discernment, a mind that has found clarity through constant Eucharistic adoration, daily rosary, and immersion into the daily and Sunday Masses of the 1962 Traditional Latin Mass Missal. The biggest blessing of doing so is seeing things through spiritual rather than temporal eyes and having the gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge as a fully initiated Christian in a state of sanctifying grace rather than the blindness of being so internally focused on self that I would have remained as I had once been, clueless to the things happening before my eyes that I was not perceiving. Joshua Charles, in his compelling interviews, savvy social media posts, immense knowledge of the Church Fathers, world history, philosophy, and theology has captured in the introduction of this book a wonderful synthesis of what Msgr. George Dillon had articulated in live audiences and then in written form from the 19th century and connected those dots to all of the current events that have manifested themselves in both the Church and State in the present time of the 21st century. The Introduction alone is worth the purchase and time to read the book as well as the well explained and footnoted chapters about Voltaire and Weishaupt and the role they played in helping to fuse a demonic vision to uproot religion and government in favor of license, reason without revelation, and a human fraternity based on the fallen nature of man in the first Adam rather than a supernatural end offered by cooperation with the second on Calvary. It is a masterpiece of an unveiling of a globalist movement that is still proceeding forward toward its stated goals in the current World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, and the Global Reset of Davos. These things are not a conspiracy theory, but rather the fulfillment of Divine Revelation ushering in the undeniable return of Christ and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary over the errors of the &quot;Enlightenment&quot; and &quot;Communist Revolution&quot; she foretold would come in her apparitions to three young seers in Fatima, Portugal. In the spirit of the editor, the genius of the author; the deceased Msgr. George Dillon, and the voice of a should be but not yet recognized saint and former Vicar of Christ, Pope Leo XIII, read the evidence of this correlation and causation of current events so you can red pill yourself and then become a prophet of modern times to share that reality with those who have the presence of mind to receive this information and reform their lives to pursue eternal immortality rather than its cheap counterfeit being offered by this global cabal, a temporal one. &quot;He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.&quot; Mt. 11:15 ","date":"Jul 3rd 2023"},{"name":"June E. Dahl","rating":"5","title":"the warfare of good and evil forces for control of our soul ´s destiny for our souls ","text":"Famous sayings about the art of war, such as &quot;Know thine Enemy &quot; (Chinese author , Sun Tzu and then Proverbs : &quot;Do not rejoice when your enemy fails &quot; echo in our heads and saint Paul ´s warnings in his epistles, that we are surrounded by principalities of evil; and his advice : to put on the &quot;armour&quot; of God, through prayer; and, the practice of obedience to the commands of God and through virtue, all this tells us that we should be constantly watchful and prepared, through prayer to seek and to receive appropriate aide in the form of grace and enlightenment of the Holy Ghost to combat such evil influences and attacks. This is the motivation for my buying this book ! Perhaps, the Holy Ghost has mercifully inspired me. We are all outfitted to a greater or lesser degree by the ability to discern our material and our spiritual welfare as well as our own spiritual weaknesses , nearly from birth, and we must struggle constantly to overcome our disordered nature. We have the gift of intelligence from birth developing discernment in situations which are daily presented for our testing and qualification for our eternal reward , the blissful union with God in Heaven at our death. Jesus warns about the lake of fire (Hell) over 300 times in the Gospel, so we cannot pretend that it does not exist. To ignore this fact is puerile. I listened to the hour long interview of the editor of the above book on a promotional type show: &quot;Mic d -up&quot; by Dave Gordon, which video, strengthened my knowledge of church history and the western world of the last three centuries, influenced by Free Masonry. I do not like to concentrate energy on negative influences and try to be concentrating on the activity which focuses on my &quot;overcoming&quot; abilities through positive resources; but, pinpointing for my mind, the dangers and being aware is vitally necessary. This is the book and strategic tool, I have chosen. It will be a great reference book and aide for my soul. My hope and goal is Heavenly bliss.","date":"Jun 27th 2023"},{"name":"Tom","rating":"5","title":"Book","text":"This reprint provides an amazing insight to the spiritual battle that rages on between the Church and Freemasonry. The author’s words could well describe the situation in which we live today. Excellent read. \r\n\r\nAs an item, it is well bound, nice quality paper and print, with good contrast. \r\n\r\nOverall, we’ll done!","date":"Jun 24th 2023"},{"name":"Therese Talarico","rating":"5","title":"Fascinating so far","text":"I am just three chapters in, but am totally fascinated. Learning about Voltaire and his anger towards the Catholic Church has been very eye opening. I can’t wait to read more!\r\n\r\nTherese Talarico @kolbeslittleflowers on IG","date":"Jun 10th 2023"},{"name":"Thérèse Talarico","rating":"5","title":"Fascinating so far…","text":"I am just three chapters in, but am totally fascinated. Learning about Voltaire and his anger towards the Catholic Church has been very eye opening. I can’t wait to read more!\r\n\r\nThérèse Talarico @kolbeslittleflowers on IG","date":"Jun 10th 2023"},{"name":"Peter Kwasniewski","rating":"5","title":"Freemasonry&#039;s pivotal role in undermining Catholicism","text":"I always find it amusing (though it&#039;s not really amusing at all) that so many Catholics continue to dismiss talk of Freemasonry as a major anti-Catholic influence in modern Western history, as if it&#039;s no more than an imaginary &quot;conspiracy theory.&quot; The great value of this work by Msgr. George F. Dillon, first published in 1885 and here reprinted with copious explanatory notes, a superb and sizable introduction by the editor Joshua Charles, and the Latin and English of the letter from Leo XIII in which he specifically praises this work.\r\n\r\nAny skeptical reader who reads this book will come away with opened eyes and a sobered attitude, now equipped with a much more detailed grasp of the facts (yes, facts) of the Freemasonic campaign against the Catholic Church, and, indeed, against Judaeo-Christian revelation as such. Freemasonry is the symbolic-syncretistic-philosophical system that modernity has fashioned as a religion made in its own image. \r\n\r\nIf you are looking to exit the realm of vague and grandiose speculation and come to grips with named names, dates, places, institutions, detailed connections of ideas and movements behind the dissolution of the Catholic Church&#039;s influence and purity of faith, this is the book where you will find all that. The editor and the publisher should be commended for making such a fine and annotated edition of a major but (curiously?) forgotten work that once attracted not only the notice and approbation but even the funding of Leo XIII for its Italian translation.","date":"Jun 8th 2023"},{"name":"Cynthia B.","rating":"5","title":"The War is Alive &amp; Well","text":"History has a way of repeating itself, and Monsignor Dillon reveals in an uncanny, prophetic way, that we are still embroiled in the war of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization. \r\n\r\nThe Spirit of the Antichrist has been forever present, but at times, it has disappeared from the minds of men, only to reappear stronger than ever. \r\n\r\nThe book goes into meticulous detail, on the rise of Freemasonry, and how it influenced politics and the Church. Do we not see this same Spirit of the Antichrist, in our time? The more we understand, the more we will know how to battle our infernal foe. \r\n\r\nThe war of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian civilization will continue until the end of time. The good news is that we know, in the end, God wins. \r\n","date":"Jun 8th 2023"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/3705/9158/9158__95915.1675951641.jpg?c=1","alt":"The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization"},{"data":"{:size}/products/3705/9159/9159__18522.1675951642.png?c=1","alt":"The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization"}],"width":"5.50"}

The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization

(9 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/Tradition/Contra Mundi","Books/Tradition/Church History","Books/Occasions /Gifts","Books/Become a Saint/Spiritual Warfare","St. Benedict's Feast Day Sale","Spiritual Warfare Flash Sale"]

Catholics have always known that Satan wages a constant war against the Church. But the past three centuries have witnessed a far more radical onslaught than ever before, leading to a rapid and universal apostasy among formerly Christian nations. Who or what is behind this greatest of all apostasies from the Catholic Church? According to this prophetic book, it is Freemasonry.

Originally published by Monsignor George Dillon, DD, in 1885 in response to Pope Leo XIII’s call to “tear away the mask from Freemasonry,” The War of the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization lays out the facts of Freemasonry, its history, and its anti-Christic ideology. Though written over 130 years ago, it remains stunningly relevant. Monsignor Dillon details the Masonic plot to de-Christianize the world through the separation of Church and state, “democratic” ideology, religious indifferentism, civil marriage and easy divorce laws, secularized education, the encouragement of moral decay among the population, the destruction of the temporal and spiritual authority of the pope, all animated by an atheistic Socialist, Communist, and ultimately pantheistic ideology of nature worship that will climax with the arrival of the antichrist. The result was considered so trustworthy that Pope Leo XIII endorsed it and paid for its translation and printing in Italian.

This cannot be dismissed as a “conspiracy theory.”

But as Monsignor Dillon makes clear, the duty of Catholics in light of this war of the antichrist with the Church and Christian civilization remains constant: to love God above all, love our neighbors as ourselves, and to confront evil wherever we find it—first within ourselves, and then in the world around us. Only by bearing the cross with Our Lord during these dark days can we secure salvation for ourselves and others.


Msgr. George F. Dillon, DD
Publication Date:
Joshua Charles

9 Reviews

  • 5
    Essential History of The Adversary of the Church

    Posted by Daria Schooler on Mar 2nd 2024

    This is the most straightforward history of the enemies of the church operating a global network hel…

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  • 5
    A must read!

    Posted by Marilis Pineiro on Jul 9th 2023

    I think so many are under the false impression about freemasonry and its continued evil agenda again…

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  • 5
    Conspiracy Theory becomes Spoiler Alert - Short Review of The War for the Antichrist with the Church and Christian Civilization

    Posted by Chad Judice on Jul 3rd 2023

    Since the onset of the events of 2020 my eyes have been open to realities that beforehand because of…

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  • 5
    the warfare of good and evil forces for control of our soul ´s destiny for our souls

    Posted by June E. Dahl on Jun 27th 2023

    Famous sayings about the art of war, such as "Know thine Enemy " (Chinese author , Sun Tzu…

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  • 5

    Posted by Tom on Jun 24th 2023

    This reprint provides an amazing insight to the spiritual battle that rages on between the Church an…

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  • 5
    Fascinating so far

    Posted by Therese Talarico on Jun 10th 2023

    I am just three chapters in, but am totally fascinated. Learning about Voltaire and his anger toward…

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  • 5
    Fascinating so far…

    Posted by Thérèse Talarico on Jun 10th 2023

    I am just three chapters in, but am totally fascinated. Learning about Voltaire and his anger toward…

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  • 5
    Freemasonry's pivotal role in undermining Catholicism

    Posted by Peter Kwasniewski on Jun 8th 2023

    I always find it amusing (though it's not really amusing at all) that so many Catholics continu…

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  • 5
    The War is Alive & Well

    Posted by Cynthia B. on Jun 8th 2023

    History has a way of repeating itself, and Monsignor Dillon reveals in an uncanny, prophetic way, th…

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