
Celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary!

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Quarti","rating":"5","title":"Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich about Mary","text":"The 2 copies of these visions that Mary gave to Anne Emmerich were given to members of my prayer group. I already have a copy of this book from several years back. It is a very inspiring review of Mary&#039;s life. ","date":"Feb 28th 2024"},{"name":"Laura McKenna","rating":"5","title":"Life of Blessed Virgin ","text":"Book is great and what a bargain for $5. 400 pages. Beautifully written ","date":"Feb 28th 2024"},{"name":"James Scanlon","rating":"5","title":"Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary","text":"Excellent book for the price. Worth every penny.","date":"Feb 23rd 2024"},{"name":"JRuskin","rating":"4","title":"The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary From the Visions of Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich","text":"I ordered this on the advice of a friend and am glad I did. Full disclosure: I&#039;m only on page 28 but it is a page-turner for me. I am very much enjoying and am being edified by this peek into Our Lady&#039;s ancestors and I can only imagine what pleasure there will be in the telling of her life. This book has the feel of historical literature; not emotional or sentimental. I see no reason the rest of the book would be any less interesting and spiritually beneficial than the beginning.","date":"Dec 29th 2023"},{"name":"T.O.","rating":"5","title":"repeat purchase","text":"I purchased this book before and read it; now I&#039;m buying more to send to Tanzania. Many details I have never read anywhere before.","date":"Oct 18th 2023"},{"rating":"5","title":"Perfect timing!","text":"This book arrived just in time when more wars are breaking out in the world. We need this type of reading for comfort.","date":"Oct 12th 2023"},{"name":"Bill Schuetter","rating":"4","title":"Life of the Virgin Mary - Catherine Emmeich","text":"I wasn&#039;t sure if this book would be my cup of tea in terms of spirituality, but I was more than pleasantly surprised to find that it was something I couldn&#039;t put down. While I know it&#039;s &quot;private revelation&quot; with no requirement for belief, there was absolutely nothing contrary to Church teaching in it. The complicated relationships in the ancestries of Joachim and Anna and, later, those of St. Joseph, were a bit daunting at first, but the details provided about the lives of the Blessed Mother, St. Joseph and the Child Jesus filled in all those &quot;hidden&quot; years and made them more &quot;real,&quot; less like statues. \r\n\r\nIf Emmerich is to be believed (and why not?), Mary had an older sister, Joseph was never married before and was &quot;bullied&quot; by his 5 brothers. The details and &quot;coincidences&quot; about the Nativity of Our Lord and their subsequent sojourn into Egypt were fascinating. Mary&#039;s death and Assumption were handled so sympathetically and tenderly that you almost felt you were present. \r\n\r\nI can&#039;t wait to read more from Emmerich. With a caution that this is private revelation, this book should be read by everyone who wonders what happened in the life of the Holy Family that wasn&#039;t present in the Gospels.","date":"Jun 16th 2023"},{"name":"Lois L.","rating":"5","title":"The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary","text":"This book is an excellent source to learn more about the Blessed Virginî-what her everyday life was like, her clothing (even her wedding gown), and her demeanor. The most breathtaking part of the book was the description of the events of her glorious assumption into Heaven! As well, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that she enjoyed knitting! Reading this book will make you feel even more connected to our Mother. I would highly recommend it to any Catholic family!","date":"May 24th 2023"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"Mother of Christ,Gospel,Holy Family","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/2452/1270/1270__30679.1675951638.jpg?c=1","alt":"The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich"}],"width":"5.50"}

The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich

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(19 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/Become a Saint/The Virgin Mary","Sales/Monthly Promotions/$5 Books","Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks","Marian Feast Day Sale"]

After that of Our Lord, there has never been a more glorious, more sacred, more humble, more pure life than Our Lady's—and there has never been one extolled more often either. Our Lady stands as the pinnacle of Creation, the most glorious and all-holy Ever-Virgin Mother of God, and her life was most the perfect imitation of Our Lord's there ever could be.

In The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary: From the Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich demonstrates the riches of this life she was privileged to know more intimately than perhaps any other besides St. Joseph and Our Lord Himself. For in these pages are told the wondrous and miraculous elements of Our Lady's time on this Earth, all the way from her birth and consecration, through her miraculous conception and pregnancy, through her suffering at the foot of the Cross of Our Lord, to her last days and ultimate Dormition and Assumption.

Witness like never before the glory of the Mother of God in what will prove one of the most important books in your life of meditation you will ever encounter. May the visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich bring you into deeper communion with Our Blessed Mother, who in turn does nothing other than bring us into the deepest intimacy with her Divine Son.

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
Translated by:
Sir Michael Palairet
TAN Books
Publication Date:
Product Format:

19 Reviews

  • 4

    Posted by Candace Marie Jaegle on Mar 20th 2024

    Every bit as insightful as her Passion of the Christ. Two thumbs up!

  • 5
    Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich about Mary

    Posted by Kathleen S. Quarti on Feb 28th 2024

    The 2 copies of these visions that Mary gave to Anne Emmerich were given to members of my prayer gro…

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  • 5
    Life of Blessed Virgin

    Posted by Laura McKenna on Feb 28th 2024

    Book is great and what a bargain for $5. 400 pages. Beautifully written

  • 5
    Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Posted by James Scanlon on Feb 23rd 2024

    Excellent book for the price. Worth every penny.

  • 4
    The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary From the Visions of Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich

    Posted by JRuskin on Dec 29th 2023

    I ordered this on the advice of a friend and am glad I did. Full disclosure: I'm only on page …

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  • 5
    repeat purchase

    Posted by T.O. on Oct 18th 2023

    I purchased this book before and read it; now I'm buying more to send to Tanzania. Many deta…

    Read More
  • 5
    Perfect timing!

    Posted by Unknown on Oct 12th 2023

    This book arrived just in time when more wars are breaking out in the world. We need this type of r…

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  • 4
    Life of the Virgin Mary - Catherine Emmeich

    Posted by Bill Schuetter on Jun 16th 2023

    I wasn't sure if this book would be my cup of tea in terms of spirituality, but I was more than…

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  • 5
    The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Posted by Lois L. on May 24th 2023

    This book is an excellent source to learn more about the Blessed Virginî-what her everyday life was …

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