
Celebrate the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary!

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Here you will learn spiritual &ldquo;guerrilla warfare&rdquo; tactics based on real experience in modern spiritual combat.</p>\n<p>Just as David used five smooth stones to defeat Goliath, this manual places &ldquo;five smooth stones&rdquo; into your ammo pouch: (1) Renunciation of Evil Influences; (2) Repentance, Metanoia, and Forgiveness; (3) Examination of Conscience and Confession; (4) Learning Power and Authority; and (5) Prayer, Weapons, and Tactics.</p>\n<p>Whether you are engaged in close combat with the devil or find yourself in need of more &ldquo;firepower&rdquo; in your spiritual life, take heart and put into practice the lessons contained in this manual. 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Well written, and a beautiful book. Got it recently, and am almost finished. Such thought provoking content, that I want to take in everything that I am reading and meditate on it. Great job!","date":"Jan 17th 2024"},{"name":"Catherine Eujon","rating":"5","title":"Spiritual Combat","text":"The Liber Christo Method is a clear, profound manual for victory over demonic spirits. Sections dealing with satanic infiltration of the human brain are enlightening and challenging. Thank you so much for the truth!","date":"Aug 26th 2023"},{"name":"Esther","rating":"5","title":"THE LIBER CHRISTO METHOD: A FIELD MANUAL FOR SPIRITUAL COMBAT","text":"I will suggest this book for everyone and every household. It takes you to a whole new level of cleaning your internal house/soul. As a wife of a retired career soldier, the references are spot on. ","date":"Aug 26th 2023"},{"name":"James Caldwell (The Manly Catholic)","rating":"5","title":"A Must-Have For Catholics","text":"This book needs to be on every Catholic&#039;s bookshelf. Not only does Dan lay out the framework for spiritual warfare and how the demons will attack you, he gives practical tips, suggestions, and advice to counter them. We are in a spiritual battle daily, and this book will help prepare you to defend yourself and your family. Cannot recommend this book enough! ","date":"Aug 15th 2023"},{"name":"David Walling","rating":"5","title":"The Liber Christo Method -- A Field Manual for Spiritual Combat","text":"How often do you see the comments, Now this book needs to be in every Catholics Library. Not only should it be in our library but needs to be at our side. I&#039;m not only impressed by the layout and content, but also the quality of the cover and pages. I&#039;m a highlighter nut and I hate it when the highlighting bleeds through to the other side of the page. I have used a fresh marker on some of this and bleeding through is not an issue--kudos to TAN. So congratulations to Dr. Dan and is fellow Liber Christo companions! What a wonderful work. Even though I&#039;m not quite done with it, I love it and I&#039;m looking forward to the next one about Mary and her role in Spiritual Warfare.","date":"Aug 11th 2023"},{"name":"Joy Dvorak","rating":"5","title":"Spiritual Combat","text":"Well written, concise and easy to understand. This book is a must have for every man&#039;s library who is a husband and father. My only regret in this purchase is not buying more than 4 copies to hand out.","date":"Aug 6th 2023"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"The Liber Christo Method: A Field Manual for Spiritual Combat","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/3760/9655/3191__48749.1725445256.jpg?c=1","alt":"The Liber Christo Method: A Field Manual for Spiritual Combat"},{"data":"{:size}/products/3760/9656/3191_3D_F__31829.1682690642.png?c=1","alt":"The Liber Christo Method: A Field Manual for Spiritual Combat"},{"data":"{:size}/products/3760/9657/3191_3D_B__64727.1682690657.png?c=1","alt":"The Liber Christo Method: A Field Manual for Spiritual Combat"},{"data":"{:size}/products/3760/10284/3191_Cover_2__36206.1700242021.jpg?c=1","alt":"The Liber Christo Method: A Field Manual for Spiritual Combat"},{"data":"{:size}/products/3760/10282/3191_Cover_5__53793.1700242021.jpg?c=1","alt":"The Liber Christo Method: A Field Manual for Spiritual Combat"},{"data":"{:size}/products/3760/10283/3191_Interior_4__14788.1700242021.jpg?c=1","alt":"The Liber Christo Method: A Field Manual for Spiritual Combat"},{"data":"{:size}/products/3760/10285/3191_Interior_2__65233.1700242021.jpg?c=1","alt":"The Liber Christo Method: A Field Manual for Spiritual Combat"}],"width":"5.50"}

The Liber Christo Method: A Field Manual for Spiritual Combat

(19 reviews) Write a Review
["Books","Books/Tradition/Contra Mundi","Books/Tradition/Church History","Books/Become a Saint/Spiritual Direction","Books/Occasions /Gifts","Books/Become a Saint/Spiritual Warfare","TAN Essentials Sale","Spiritual Warfare Flash Sale"]

We fight an ancient enemy, and the ancient weapons are best.

Since the creation of man, the devil has sought the ruin of souls. Liber Christo is a tactical field manual for those interested in not only learning more about spiritual combat, but also engaging and winning the spiritual battles of this present day.

As a professor of theology, a former U.S. Army attack helicopter pilot, combat veteran, and a member of Fr. Chad Ripperger’s exorcism team, Dr. Dan Schneider offers practical spiritual steps to conquer the ancient enemy and obtain lasting spiritual freedom. Here you will learn spiritual “guerrilla warfare” tactics based on real experience in modern spiritual combat.

Just as David used five smooth stones to defeat Goliath, this manual places “five smooth stones” into your ammo pouch: (1) Renunciation of Evil Influences; (2) Repentance, Metanoia, and Forgiveness; (3) Examination of Conscience and Confession; (4) Learning Power and Authority; and (5) Prayer, Weapons, and Tactics.

Whether you are engaged in close combat with the devil or find yourself in need of more “firepower” in your spiritual life, take heart and put into practice the lessons contained in this manual. More than theory or quotes from saints or the Catechism, this manual equips you with the weapons necessary to defeat the ancient enemy.



Product Format:
Deluxe Leatherette
Dan Schneider, PhD
Publish Date:
Fr. Chad Ripperger, PhD

19 Reviews

  • 5
    Spiritual Warfare

    Posted by Cheryl Baird on Jul 30th 2024

    This is an excellent book to keep you in a good way and on track while walking through this temporar…

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  • 5
    Field manual for spiritual combat

    Posted by Jane on Apr 11th 2024

    This book is very thorough in addressing evil influences, repentance, examination of conscious. …

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  • 5
    Field manual for spiritual combat

    Posted by Jane on Apr 11th 2024

    This book is very thorough in addressing evil influences, repentance, examination of conscious. …

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  • 5
    The Liber Christo Method: A Field Manual for Spiritual Combat

    Posted by Kristen on Jan 17th 2024

    Kudos to you for this fantastic, thorough, straight forward, helpful, interesting book. Well writte…

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  • 5
    Spiritual Combat

    Posted by Catherine Eujon on Aug 26th 2023

    The Liber Christo Method is a clear, profound manual for victory over demonic spirits. Sections dea…

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  • 5

    Posted by Esther on Aug 26th 2023

    I will suggest this book for everyone and every household. It takes you to a whole new level of clea…

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  • 5
    A Must-Have For Catholics

    Posted by James Caldwell (The Manly Catholic) on Aug 15th 2023

    This book needs to be on every Catholic's bookshelf. Not only does Dan lay out the framework fo…

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  • 5
    The Liber Christo Method -- A Field Manual for Spiritual Combat

    Posted by David Walling on Aug 11th 2023

    How often do you see the comments, Now this book needs to be in every Catholics Library. Not only sh…

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  • 5
    Spiritual Combat

    Posted by Joy Dvorak on Aug 6th 2023

    Well written, concise and easy to understand. This book is a must have for every man's library …

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Editorial Reviews

Jesse Romero (Author of The Devil in the City of the Angels)

“This field guide is just that, a manual to be carried and used to fight an ancient enemy with the ancient weapons of the Church. Dr. Dan Schneider writes with a military mindset drawing on his experience as an Army helicopter pilot and officer in Desert Storm. It is fitting that an Army soldier, now Catholic theologian, has teamed up with Fr. Chad Ripperger to provide an authentically Catholic program of liberation for the common man. They have given us a MOAB, Mother of All Books. This manual is a weapon of mass instruction, and it will truly equip the laity to go on the offensive as the Church Militant.”

Fr. Richard Heilman (Founder of U.S. Grace Force)

“Dr. Dan Schneider is one of my favorite guests on U.S. Grace Force. He is a sought-after speaker and author. He combines the richness of Catholic tradition on spiritual warfare with practical examples based on real field experience. In a time when diabolical activity is on the rise, The Liber Christo Method is a sure guide to liberation and a must read for today’s Catholics who are serious about their Faith.”

Doug Barry (EWTN Host of Battle Ready)

“As a member of Father Chad Ripperger’s team and as a professor of theology, Dr. Dan Schneider provides practical analysis and proven tactics to help you win the war against the world, the flesh, and the devil. This manual will help you grow in holiness and get you battle ready!”