
Marian Feast Day Sale: 40% off Select Titles

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They had shared the perils of the Peruvian adventure with Pizarro in the same boat in which he and his men sailed south through the Pacific. Missionaries of many other orders followed them: Franciscans, Augustinians, Mercedarians, Jesuits. But divine Providence reserved for the first missionary workers the finest fruits of the seed of the Gospel sown between the seacoast and the forbidding heights of the Andes.<br /><br />Born shortly after the founding of Lima, Martin entered the Dominican Order early in life. There he spent the remainder of his 60 years in complete dedication to his order and the cause of the poor, sick and neglected of Lima while growing to the highest levels of sanctity and humility. The appeal of St. Martin de Porres is universal. Called an apostle of charity, patron of social justice, father of the sick and poor, and helper in hopeless cases, he is a powerful intercessor to those in need. <br /><br />The close friend of St. Rose of Lima, he became a Dominican lay brother at 15 and spent his life (he died at 61) helping those in need. Many great anecdotes tell how he raised the dead; multiplied food; cured the sick; healed wounded animals; visited those in need through bilocation; did extreme penance and gained the names of Apostle of Charity, patron of social justice, father of the sick and poor, and helper in hopeless cases.</div>\n<div>&nbsp;</div>\n<div><strong><em>St. Martin de Porres: Apostle of Charity </em></strong>was written in 1957 at the request of the Postulation of the Dominican Order at Santa Sabina, Rome. Following the canonization of St. Martin in 1963, the author added new material especially for the English translation to make it as definitive as possible. 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His story is timeless. Prayers to him will bring many graces to the person who asks for his intercession. Well written.","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"Tim R.","rating":"5","title":"Saint Martin de Porres: Apostle of Charity","text":"This was excellent. It is a great biography. Easy to read and there was even a chapter at the beginning describing his childhood, how he became who he was.","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"Jennifer L.","rating":"5","title":"Fabulous biography","text":"Before reading this book, I think the only things I knew about Saint Martin de Porres were the facts that he was treated poorly because he was of mixed race, and that he had miraculously gotten some mice out of the kitchen. I learned a lot by reading this book, and was so impressed with how well documented it was! I would have assumed a lot of the material in the book was embellished if not for the annotations noting which primary documents each event came from. \n\nIt was well written too! It kept me up late many nights because I didn;t want to stop reading.","date":"May 24th 2023"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"Lima,Missionary,Dominican Order","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"Saint Martin de Porres: Apostle of Charity","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/2175/501/501__44144.1675951601.jpg?c=1","alt":"Saint Martin de Porres: Apostle of Charity"}],"width":"5.50"}

Saint Martin de Porres: Apostle of Charity

(4 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/Become a Saint/Lives of the Saints"]
The sons of St. Dominic were the first to preach the Gospel in the land of the Incas. They had shared the perils of the Peruvian adventure with Pizarro in the same boat in which he and his men sailed south through the Pacific. Missionaries of many other orders followed them: Franciscans, Augustinians, Mercedarians, Jesuits. But divine Providence reserved for the first missionary workers the finest fruits of the seed of the Gospel sown between the seacoast and the forbidding heights of the Andes.

Born shortly after the founding of Lima, Martin entered the Dominican Order early in life. There he spent the remainder of his 60 years in complete dedication to his order and the cause of the poor, sick and neglected of Lima while growing to the highest levels of sanctity and humility. The appeal of St. Martin de Porres is universal. Called an apostle of charity, patron of social justice, father of the sick and poor, and helper in hopeless cases, he is a powerful intercessor to those in need.

The close friend of St. Rose of Lima, he became a Dominican lay brother at 15 and spent his life (he died at 61) helping those in need. Many great anecdotes tell how he raised the dead; multiplied food; cured the sick; healed wounded animals; visited those in need through bilocation; did extreme penance and gained the names of Apostle of Charity, patron of social justice, father of the sick and poor, and helper in hopeless cases.
St. Martin de Porres: Apostle of Charity was written in 1957 at the request of the Postulation of the Dominican Order at Santa Sabina, Rome. Following the canonization of St. Martin in 1963, the author added new material especially for the English translation to make it as definitive as possible. The efforts of Giuliana Cavallini met with such praise and satisfaction that Most Reverend Aniceto Fernandez, O.P., selected this book as an official biography of St. Martin de Porres.
Giuliana Cavallini, OP
TAN Books
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4 Reviews

  • 5
    excellent book

    Posted by Debra on Nov 16th 2023

    never knew how holy St. Martin was until I read this book.

  • 5
    Glorious Saint, excellent reading

    Posted by Tina V. on May 24th 2023

    God bless the world with this book and the saint. His story is timeless. Prayers to him will bring m…

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  • 5
    Saint Martin de Porres: Apostle of Charity

    Posted by Tim R. on May 24th 2023

    This was excellent. It is a great biography. Easy to read and there was even a chapter at the beginn…

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  • 5
    Fabulous biography

    Posted by Jennifer L. on May 24th 2023

    Before reading this book, I think the only things I knew about Saint Martin de Porres were the facts…

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