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I keep mine in my purse and carry it everywhere!!","date":"Oct 12th 2022"},{"name":"PATTY O.","rating":"5","title":"This is a great addition to my library of","text":"Tan Books. It is full of prayers and devotions that are special to me. I use it \nat home and in the Adoration \nChapel, for the Stations of the Cross, and\nfor the knowledge that it provides. It is\na great comfort and its a great treasure.","date":"Oct 2nd 2022"},{"name":"Catherine J.","rating":"5","title":"A treasure!","text":"This little book is full of beautiful devotions that aid in our journey towards heaven. A must-have for every Catholic home.","date":"Sep 28th 2022"},{"name":"Trudy F.","rating":"5","title":"Perfect prayer book","text":"This prayer book is my favorite . Lots of little extras that go along with the prayers . Well put together .","date":"Aug 28th 2022"},{"name":"Jeri H.","rating":"5","title":"This lovely book is more","text":"This lovely book is more than just another prayer book. It contains beautiful quotes, prophecies and promises given to the saints. For anyone short on time for prayer, this little book enables you to open it to any page and begin a conversation with Our Lord.","date":"Aug 21st 2022"},{"name":"Michel R.","rating":"5","title":"So much grace for so little effort¶ the generosity of God","text":"I fell in love with is book so long ago that I dont remember. The illustrations in the paper edition are beautiful and illuminating. I have given many copies to friends and family, some of which I have seen extremely well worn after even a year or so. (Mine lasted longer.)\n\nPromoting the devotion to Our Ladys Dolors alone has eternal benefits. \n\nSo far, I have given out tens, and possibly close to a hundred, a few a year. Some to new converts, to a lady crying in church, to tourists, friends, families, and recently, accidentally to a very prayerful lady, who reminded me she had just received one a week or so before, so I suggested passing it on to a friend - it turned out her sister had cancer¶\n\n\nIts just a clear reminder of how very much God does for us, for the tiniest efforts.","date":"Aug 15th 2022"},{"name":"Jim C.","rating":"5","title":"Book is great","text":"Book is great","date":"Aug 10th 2022"},{"name":"MaryAnn B.","rating":"5","title":"Help to meditate on His Sacred Heart!","text":"I love this book. That is why I ordered more books to share it out with others to continue to spread devotion to His most Sacred Heart and that of our Blessed Lady..","date":"Jun 19th 2022"},{"name":"Judi P.","rating":"5","title":"My favorite prayer book","text":"For the past 20+ years, this has been my favorite prayer book which I use at all times especially given its beautiful prayers for the m\nMass. It has all of my favorite prayers, it has prayers before and after Holy Communion, and it has wonderful prayers from the Saints as well. I treasure owning this book.","date":"Jun 10th 2022"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"Catholic devotion,Blessed Mother,Daily prayers","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"Prayers and Heavenly Promises: Compiled from Approved Sources","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/1765/1432/1432__51052.1675951600.jpg?c=1","alt":"Prayers and Heavenly Promises: Compiled from Approved Sources"}],"width":"3.75"}

Prayers and Heavenly Promises: Compiled from Approved Sources

(20 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks","Books/Become a Saint/Prayer & Meditation"]

This unique book of powerful prayers and devotions compiled by Joan Carroll Cruz includes wonderful promises made by Our Lord or Our Lady, most of which were revealed to famous Saints, including St. Faustina, St. Gertrude, and St. Catherine Labouré. Author Joan Carroll Cruz has carefully selected and compiled devotions to Our Lady, the Infant Jesus, the Precious Blood, the Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy, St. Michael, and more in one place so that your daily prayer can be more powerful and more fruitful than ever before.

Among the many treasures in this book you will find:

  • Supplemental prayers, devotions, and promises to the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet, making these common prayers even more fruitful.
  • St. Louis de Montfort’s beautiful Consecration to Jesus through Mary
  • Dozens of devotions to Our Lady from St. Bridget of Sweden, St. Alphonsus Liguori, and others, offer unique promises of grace and blessings
  • Powerful, in-depth meditations and reflections on Our Lord’s Passion and Death, including the powerful graces promised to St. Martha Mary Chambon

The promises set forth in this book show that God is eager to grant us many favors—if we will just pray! Designed to fit in your pocket or purse, you will have these powerful prayers with you at all times.

Joan Carroll Cruz
TAN Books
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20 Reviews

  • 5
    Lovely little book

    Posted by Tonya H. on Oct 12th 2022

    We should have one of these little books to keep handy for prayer! I keep mine in my purse and carry…

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  • 5
    This is a great addition to my library of

    Posted by PATTY O. on Oct 2nd 2022

    Tan Books. It is full of prayers and devotions that are special to me. I use it at home and in the …

    Read More
  • 5
    A treasure!

    Posted by Catherine J. on Sep 28th 2022

    This little book is full of beautiful devotions that aid in our journey towards heaven. A must-have …

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  • 5
    Perfect prayer book

    Posted by Trudy F. on Aug 28th 2022

    This prayer book is my favorite . Lots of little extras that go along with the prayers . Well put to…

    Read More
  • 5
    This lovely book is more

    Posted by Jeri H. on Aug 21st 2022

    This lovely book is more than just another prayer book. It contains beautiful quotes, prophecies and…

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  • 5
    So much grace for so little effort¶ the generosity of God

    Posted by Michel R. on Aug 15th 2022

    I fell in love with is book so long ago that I dont remember. The illustrations in the paper edition…

    Read More
  • 5
    Book is great

    Posted by Jim C. on Aug 10th 2022

    Book is great

  • 5
    Help to meditate on His Sacred Heart!

    Posted by MaryAnn B. on Jun 19th 2022

    I love this book. That is why I ordered more books to share it out with others to continue to spread…

    Read More
  • 5
    My favorite prayer book

    Posted by Judi P. on Jun 10th 2022

    For the past 20+ years, this has been my favorite prayer book which I use at all times especially gi…

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