
Read the book of the year: Confessions!

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There are many Saints who never mortified their bodies by fasting or wearing hair shirts: their bodily infirmities excused them. There are many Saints too who were not virgins: their vocation was otherwise. <strong>But in Paradise there is no Saint who was not humble.</strong>\"&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Below are a few more gems of wisdom contained in <em>Humility of Heart</em>. Fr. Cajetan da Bergamo has assembled in this incomparable Catholic classic every conceivable motive for us to practice the virtue of humility.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>\"It is only by the measure of thy humility that thou canst hope to please God and save thyself, because it is certain that God &lsquo;will save the humble of spirit.'\" (Ps. 33:19&mdash;Page 60).</li>\n<li>\"As paradise is only for the humble, therefore in paradise every one will have more or less glory according to his degree of humility.\" (Page 75).</li>\n<li>\"Humility generates confidence, and God never refuses His grace to those who come to Him with humility and trust.\" (Page 93).</li>\n</ul>\n<div>\n<p>From every direction, he marshals up the reasons why this virtue is paramount in the lives of all saints and of all those on the way of perfection. As no one will enter Heaven who is not perfect and as no one will gain perfection who is not humble, it behooves us all to apprise ourselves of the requisites for gaining true humility of heart, for once possessing this virtue, we can then make great strides in the spiritual life. But without it, we are simply deceiving ourselves regarding our spiritual progress and postponing the great work of our own salvation.</p>\n<p>&ldquo;The prayer of him that humbleth himself shall pierce the clouds.&rdquo; &mdash;Ecclesiasticus 35:21</p>\n</div>","tags":[],"warranty":"","price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$19.95","value":19.95,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax"},"height":"7.00","detail_messages":"","availability":"","page_title":"Humility Of Heart","cart_url":"","max_purchase_quantity":0,"mpn":null,"upc":"9780895557667","options":[{"id":5310,"type":"Configurable_PickList_Set","display_name":"Format","required":true,"state":"variant_option","partial":"set-rectangle","condition":true,"values":[{"id":10510,"label":"Paperbound","selected":true,"data":"Paperbound"},{"id":10511,"label":"eBook","selected":false,"data":"eBook"},{"id":10512,"label":"MP3 Audio Download","selected":false,"data":"MP3 Audio Download"}]}],"related_products":[{"id":3592,"sku":"3127-GROUPED","name":"Humility of Heart Deluxe (Leather Hardcover)","url":"","availability":"","rating":5,"brand":null,"category":["Books/Tradition/Church Teachings","Books/Become a Saint/Spiritual Direction","Books/Occasions /Gifts","St. Benedict's Feast Day Sale"],"summary":"This can be the best and most impactful book you&nbsp;will read in the next five years, apart from Sacred Scripture.\nThis is the greatest book on humility ever written that every person should own...","image":{"data":"{:size}/products/3592/10354/3127__24276.1701790309.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart Deluxe (Leather Hardcover)"},"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/3592/10354/3127__24276.1701790309.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart Deluxe (Leather Hardcover)"},{"data":"{:size}/products/3592/10350/3127_Cover1__16468.1701790309.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart Deluxe (Leather Hardcover)"},{"data":"{:size}/products/3592/10351/3127_Cover2__00425.1701789846.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart Deluxe (Leather Hardcover)"},{"data":"{:size}/products/3592/10349/3127_Cover3__65966.1701789846.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart Deluxe (Leather Hardcover)"},{"data":"{:size}/products/3592/10352/3127_Cover4__33709.1701789846.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart Deluxe (Leather Hardcover)"}],"date_added":"May 4th 2022","pre_order":false,"show_cart_action":true,"has_options":true,"stock_level":null,"low_stock_level":null,"qty_in_cart":0,"custom_fields":[{"id":45163,"name":"Imprint","value":"TAN Books"},{"id":45164,"name":"Pages","value":"236"},{"id":45165,"name":"Publication Date","value":"3/1/2010"},{"id":45166,"name":"Product Format","value":"Leather Hardcover"},{"id":45167,"name":"Pdf","value":""}],"num_reviews":7,"weight":{"formatted":"0.50 LBS","value":0.5},"demo":false,"price":{"without_tax":{"currency":"USD","formatted":"$99.95","value":99.95},"tax_label":"Tax"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=3592"},{"id":1997,"sku":"TE3273","name":"Humility of Heart (eBook)","url":"","availability":"","rating":5,"brand":null,"category":["Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks","TAN Essentials Sale","All Saints and All Souls Sale"],"summary":"","image":{"data":"{:size}/products/1997/2252/2252__47301.1675951631.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart (eBook)"},"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/1997/2252/2252__47301.1675951631.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart (eBook)"}],"date_added":"Jul 22nd 2020","pre_order":false,"show_cart_action":true,"has_options":false,"stock_level":null,"low_stock_level":null,"qty_in_cart":0,"custom_fields":[{"id":55025,"name":"Product Format","value":"eBook"},{"id":58161,"name":"SEARCH_IGNORE","value":"true"}],"num_reviews":2,"weight":{"formatted":"0.00 LBS","value":0},"demo":false,"add_to_cart_url":"","price":{"without_tax":{"currency":"USD","formatted":"$9.95","value":9.95},"tax_label":"Tax"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=1997"},{"id":3200,"sku":"TA7226","name":"Humility of Heart (MP3 Audio Download)","url":"","availability":"","rating":0,"brand":null,"category":["Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks","TAN Essentials Sale","All Saints and All Souls Sale"],"summary":"Although not entirely a new title for TAN, we are listing it as new because this edition is newly typeset and repunctuated, so it will come alive as if you never read it before! 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If you want to develop humility and introspection then please read this book.","date":"Jul 31st 2024"},{"name":"Chuck","rating":"5","title":"Great Book","text":"Came up through Catholic Schools. Wish that this book would have been made available. Great lessons for all ages and all denominations, but a must read for Catholics.","date":"Jul 30th 2024"},{"name":"Bernard Fenelon","rating":"5","title":"One of the best.","text":"I am reading through very slowly for the third time already and will likely continue reading through it as long as I live. Except perhaps for the BVM, this book is for everyone.","date":"Jan 12th 2024"},{"name":"Magdalena","rating":"5","title":"Amazing book","text":"Humility is the origin of all the other virtues. Lack of humility is a cause of sins. \r\nThis book will help you to grow spiritually. ","date":"Aug 3rd 2023"},{"name":"JP ","rating":"5","title":" A most excellent treatise-help me become a vessel fit for the master&#039;s use. ","text":"Fr. Cajetan helps me understand Lk.14:25, Matt.16:25 and Mk. 8:35-Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy on me.","date":"Jul 11th 2023"},{"name":"John T.","rating":"5","title":"Essential reading","text":"I cant think of a more compelling book than this one. Well yes! The Bible of course. Every committed Catholic.....committed to serving God and their fellow man and bypassing purgatory on the way to heaven needs what is contained in this book. Im sure Ill be reading this book numerous times. Plus as an aid to meditation? Very useful. Almost every page. \nIll be giving this book as a present for friends, not just Catholic friends either","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"P. M.","rating":"5","title":"Read this book if you want to know how to enter heaven","text":"A friend gave me this book and I wondered, &quot;Do I have too much pride?&quot; No, she wanted me to read the most amazing book ever! Read this book, then read it again. If you follow what the authors have laid out, I think you can be assured of your place in heaven.","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"Gayle K.","rating":"5","title":"Beautiful","text":"Words to live by. Learn to have a humble and contrite heart.","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"L. L.","rating":"5","title":"Becoming Humble","text":"This is one of my favorite books of all time. I read it over and over as I am trying to learn what it has to teach: how to become humble. Because Pride is the root of all vices, humility is its counterpoint and the weapon to use to conquer it. Thus, one who wishes to become humble will need a good guide and lots of holy help. In our culture self-esteem (actually a synonym for pride and selfishness), we will need a lot of help in overcoming the pervasiveness of pride in the culture. This is a great guide, short and to the point, on how to do that very thing.","date":"May 24th 2023"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"Virtue,Saints,Salvation","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"Humility of Heart","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/2836/718/718__83950.1675951666.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart"},{"data":"{:size}/products/2836/11177/1870_Cover1__42062.1728563952.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart"},{"data":"{:size}/products/2836/11176/1870_Cover2__07139.1728563952.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart"},{"data":"{:size}/products/2836/11178/1870_Cover3__14959.1728563952.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart"},{"data":"{:size}/products/2836/11180/1870_Interior1__81043.1728563953.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart"},{"data":"{:size}/products/2836/11179/1870_Lifestyle1__06040.1728563953.jpg?c=1","alt":"Humility of Heart"}],"width":"4.25"}

Humility of Heart

(40 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/Become a Saint/Lives of the Saints","Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks","Books/General /TAN Essentials","St. Benedict's Feast Day Sale","TAN Essentials Sale","All Saints and All Souls Sale"]

This is the greatest book on humility ever written and will likely be the best book you will read in the next 5 years (outside of Holy Scripture).  If everyone in the United States would adhere to the advice in this book, we would convert the world.

Here is how the book opens up:  

"In Paradise there are many Saints who never gave alms on earth: their poverty justified them. There are many Saints who never mortified their bodies by fasting or wearing hair shirts: their bodily infirmities excused them. There are many Saints too who were not virgins: their vocation was otherwise. But in Paradise there is no Saint who was not humble.

Below are a few more gems of wisdom contained in Humility of Heart. Fr. Cajetan da Bergamo has assembled in this incomparable Catholic classic every conceivable motive for us to practice the virtue of humility.

  • "It is only by the measure of thy humility that thou canst hope to please God and save thyself, because it is certain that God ‘will save the humble of spirit.'" (Ps. 33:19—Page 60).
  • "As paradise is only for the humble, therefore in paradise every one will have more or less glory according to his degree of humility." (Page 75).
  • "Humility generates confidence, and God never refuses His grace to those who come to Him with humility and trust." (Page 93).

From every direction, he marshals up the reasons why this virtue is paramount in the lives of all saints and of all those on the way of perfection. As no one will enter Heaven who is not perfect and as no one will gain perfection who is not humble, it behooves us all to apprise ourselves of the requisites for gaining true humility of heart, for once possessing this virtue, we can then make great strides in the spiritual life. But without it, we are simply deceiving ourselves regarding our spiritual progress and postponing the great work of our own salvation.

“The prayer of him that humbleth himself shall pierce the clouds.” —Ecclesiasticus 35:21

TAN Books
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40 Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Unknown on Jul 31st 2024

    This book is a gift from the Most High. If you want to develop humility and introspection then plea…

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  • 5
    Great Book

    Posted by Chuck on Jul 30th 2024

    Came up through Catholic Schools. Wish that this book would have been made available. Great lessons …

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  • 5
    One of the best.

    Posted by Bernard Fenelon on Jan 12th 2024

    I am reading through very slowly for the third time already and will likely continue reading through…

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  • 5
    Amazing book

    Posted by Magdalena on Aug 3rd 2023

    Humility is the origin of all the other virtues. Lack of humility is a cause of sins. This book wi…

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  • 5
    A most excellent treatise-help me become a vessel fit for the master's use.

    Posted by JP on Jul 11th 2023

    Fr. Cajetan helps me understand Lk.14:25, Matt.16:25 and Mk. 8:35-Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy o…

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  • 5
    Essential reading

    Posted by John T. on May 24th 2023

    I cant think of a more compelling book than this one. Well yes! The Bible of course. Every committed…

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  • 5
    Read this book if you want to know how to enter heaven

    Posted by P. M. on May 24th 2023

    A friend gave me this book and I wondered, "Do I have too much pride?" No, she wanted me t…

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  • 5

    Posted by Gayle K. on May 24th 2023

    Words to live by. Learn to have a humble and contrite heart.

  • 5
    Becoming Humble

    Posted by L. L. on May 24th 2023

    This is one of my favorite books of all time. I read it over and over as I am trying to learn what i…

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Editorial Reviews

Fr. Chad Ripperger

Fr. Chad Ripperger (Exorcist)

"Humility of Heart by da Bergamo is a spiritual classic and among the best books ever written on humility."