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Through it all, her mission from the Lord's Sacred Heart triumphed, and she became the ultimate advocate of the furnace of Divine Charity beating for souls in Our Lord's breast.</p>\n<p>After her death, Fr. John Croiset, S.J., one of Margaret Mary's confessors and directors, compiled in 1691 the revelations and prayers she had had relevant to the devotion to the Sacred Heart. Unfortunately, Fr. Croiset had made some procedural errors in the eyes of the Church, and so his book was forbidden and forgotten for about two hundred years. However, it was discovered again and saw new life.</p>\n<p>For anyone who wishes to know more about the Sacred Heart of Jesus and how to adore It, <strong><em>Devotion to the Sacred Heart </em></strong>is the original guide to one of the tenderest and most exceedingly precious devotions in the Church's arsenal. All treasures of graces, truth, beauty, goodness, joy, and love are contained in the Lord's Heart. 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Croiset to serve Our Lord most intimately.</p>","tags":[],"warranty":"","price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$24.95","value":24.95,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax"},"height":"11.00","detail_messages":"","availability":"","page_title":"Devotion To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion","cart_url":"","max_purchase_quantity":0,"mpn":null,"upc":"9780895553348","options":[{"id":5245,"type":"Configurable_PickList_Set","display_name":"Format","required":true,"state":"variant_option","partial":"set-rectangle","condition":true,"values":[{"id":10358,"label":"Paperbound","selected":true,"data":"Paperbound"},{"id":10359,"label":"eBook","selected":false,"data":"eBook"}]}],"related_products":[{"id":2010,"sku":"TE3754","name":"Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (eBook)","url":"","availability":"","rating":0,"brand":null,"category":["Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks"],"summary":"St. Margaret Mary Alacoque is one of the most extraordinary visionaries in the history of the Church. 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I wanted the bishop to give a copy to every newly ordained priest and require him to submit a report on the first anniversary of his ordination explaining how he would implement what this book calls him to do. You can&#039;tread this book and go away unchanged.","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"d m.","rating":"5","title":"the Devotion to the Sacred Heart","text":"The best book I have ever read. Every page wows me, inspires me and hopefully transforms me. Thou it was written 1694 it is so apropo for today. I am so grateful that Tan Books has republished it. Thank you","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"Maryann P.","rating":"5","title":"Excellent resource!","text":"Excellent resource!","date":"Apr 3rd 2023"},{"name":"Melissa K.","rating":"5","title":"I haven&#039;t had the chance","text":"I haven&#039;t had the chance to read it yet, but was purchased to learn more about the Sacred Heart of Jesus.","date":"Dec 28th 2022"},{"name":"ADERLY R.","rating":"5","title":"Book every Catholic should read","text":"It is a fantastic book I wish I had ran into this book earlier in my life. A true blessing from our Lord Jesus Christ. You must read and pray these wonderful prayers","date":"Dec 21st 2022"},{"name":"Cynthia E.","rating":"5","title":"Perfect purchase","text":"Everything I needed to know","date":"Jun 18th 2022"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"St. Margaret Mary,Sacrifice,Devotion","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/1427/1381/1381__30440.1675951640.jpg?c=1","alt":"Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion"},{"data":"{:size}/products/1427/9714/0212_3D_F__21249.1684336586.jpg?c=1","alt":"Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion"},{"data":"{:size}/products/1427/9715/0212_3D_B__54800.1684336586.jpg?c=1","alt":"Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion"}],"width":"8.50"}

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: How to Practice the Sacred Heart Devotion

(7 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/Become a Saint/Jesus Christ","Books/General /TAN Essentials","St. Benedict's Feast Day Sale"]

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque is one of the most extraordinary visionaries in the history of the Church. As the apostle of devotion to the Sacred Heart, her visions not only have full validation as authentic in virtue of their papal approval and her canonization, but have also experienced universal adoption in the Church with the promulgation of the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and widespread promotion of the First Fridays devotional practice, as well as the Thursday night Holy Hour.

Devout from youth, St. Margaret Mary vowed at a young age to become a nun, but she delayed until she was 24 and could no longer withhold herself from Christ. She suffered much in her life, but she was gifted with visions of Our Lord, visions which became the basis of her promotion of the Sacred Heart devotion. In addition to the harsh (and at times seemingly excessive) penances she placed on herself, she received opprobrium from her sisters, who doubted the authenticity of her visions and mission, and much opposition from others in the Church, too. Through it all, her mission from the Lord's Sacred Heart triumphed, and she became the ultimate advocate of the furnace of Divine Charity beating for souls in Our Lord's breast.

After her death, Fr. John Croiset, S.J., one of Margaret Mary's confessors and directors, compiled in 1691 the revelations and prayers she had had relevant to the devotion to the Sacred Heart. Unfortunately, Fr. Croiset had made some procedural errors in the eyes of the Church, and so his book was forbidden and forgotten for about two hundred years. However, it was discovered again and saw new life.

For anyone who wishes to know more about the Sacred Heart of Jesus and how to adore It, Devotion to the Sacred Heart is the original guide to one of the tenderest and most exceedingly precious devotions in the Church's arsenal. All treasures of graces, truth, beauty, goodness, joy, and love are contained in the Lord's Heart. May we approach It with the zeal and humility of St. Margaret Mary and Fr. Croiset to serve Our Lord most intimately.

Fr. John Croiset, SJ
Translated by:
Fr. Patrick O'Connell
TAN Books
Publication Date:
Product Format:

7 Reviews

  • 5
    Just started reading this book

    Posted by Rose Mary Montross on May 28th 2023

    Great read so far.

  • 5
    I loved this book

    Posted by Dr. D. on May 24th 2023

    When I read this book, it blew me away. I wanted the bishop to give a copy to every newly ordained p…

    Read More
  • 5
    the Devotion to the Sacred Heart

    Posted by d m. on May 24th 2023

    The best book I have ever read. Every page wows me, inspires me and hopefully transforms me. Thou it…

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  • 5
    Excellent resource!

    Posted by Maryann P. on Apr 3rd 2023

    Excellent resource!

  • 5
    I haven't had the chance

    Posted by Melissa K. on Dec 28th 2022

    I haven't had the chance to read it yet, but was purchased to learn more about the Sacred Heart…

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  • 5
    Book every Catholic should read

    Posted by ADERLY R. on Dec 21st 2022

    It is a fantastic book I wish I had ran into this book earlier in my life. A true blessing from our …

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  • 5
    Perfect purchase

    Posted by Cynthia E. on Jun 18th 2022

    Everything I needed to know