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But so many of us neglect devotion to Him; rather, we should put forth all our efforts to gain an understanding of His Breath and be able to pray and act according to His Will, for He is one of the Trinity, and God Himself.</p>\n<p><strong><em>Devotion to the Holy Spirit </em></strong>explains the classic seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to obtain them: Piety, Fear of the Lord, Courage, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel, and Wisdom. Learn how the Holy Ghost works in our souls and what the soul becomes like with His indwelling&mdash;and also what becomes of it without Him.</p>\n<p>Also included are traditional and pious devotions to the Holy Spirit to edify your prayer life and help you cultivate intimacy with this most mysterious Person of the Trinity. 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This booklet gave me a lot to think about and prayers just for the Holy Spirit. I am so glad I purchased it; I think I did my soul a favor.","date":"Oct 12th 2023"},{"name":"Jeanice Domec ","rating":"5","title":"Devotion to the Holy Spirit ","text":"Perfect in time for novena to Holy Spirit leading to Pentecost . I will continue to alternately bring to Adoration ?","date":"May 29th 2023"},{"name":"Danielle","rating":"5","title":"Better than I expected","text":"I love it. Ordered some booklets, I thought will be only prayers but is much more . The booklet have texts explaining very well the devotion and the prayers too.","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"EILEEN B.","rating":"5","title":"Devotion to the Holy Spirit","text":"Thanks, I share with church congregation and Bible study students. We all love that book and still on going to share with others. God bless you all","date":"Nov 21st 2022"},{"name":"Bonnie L.","rating":"5","title":"Devotion to the Holy Spirit","text":"I have used this book for years and it was falling apart. I ordered 4 new ones. One for me, one for my wife. I plan on giving the other 2 away. This book is part of my daily morning prayers.","date":"Aug 19th 2022"},{"name":"Joshua S.","rating":"5","title":"Great devotional on the Holy","text":"Great devotional on the Holy Spirit.","date":"May 9th 2022"},{"name":"Michael R.","rating":"5","title":"I love love love it.","text":"I love love love it. And have a great devotion to the Holt Spirit.","date":"Mar 16th 2022"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[{"type":"percent","min":20,"max":39,"discount":{"formatted":"20%","value":20}},{"type":"percent","min":40,"max":99,"discount":{"formatted":"40%","value":40}},{"type":"percent","min":100,"max":0,"discount":{"formatted":"60%","value":60}}],"meta_keywords":"Holy Ghost,Trinity,Prayer","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"Devotion to the Holy Spirit","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/1705/1605/1605__18675.1675951601.jpg?c=1","alt":"Devotion to the Holy Spirit"}],"width":"3.75"}

Devotion to the Holy Spirit

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["Sales/Bulk Pricing/Booklets/Pamphlets"]

Come Holy Spirit and fill the hearts of Thy Faithful; enkindle in them the fire of Thy Charity!

The Holy Spirit is God; He is Our Lord, the Advocate sent by the Father through the petition of the Son to teach us all things in truth and keep us steadfast in the Lord Christ. But so many of us neglect devotion to Him; rather, we should put forth all our efforts to gain an understanding of His Breath and be able to pray and act according to His Will, for He is one of the Trinity, and God Himself.

Devotion to the Holy Spirit explains the classic seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to obtain them: Piety, Fear of the Lord, Courage, Knowledge, Understanding, Counsel, and Wisdom. Learn how the Holy Ghost works in our souls and what the soul becomes like with His indwelling—and also what becomes of it without Him.

Also included are traditional and pious devotions to the Holy Spirit to edify your prayer life and help you cultivate intimacy with this most mysterious Person of the Trinity. True devotion to the Holy Ghost is the key to receiving Him profoundly into our hearts and to receiving the treasures of sanctity that He wants to pour out upon us.

O Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, everywhere present and filling all things, Treasury of goodness and Creator of Life, come and dwell within us; cleanse us of impurity and save our souls, O Good One!


TAN Books
Publication Date:
Product Format:
The Benedictine Convent of Clyde, Missouri

7 Reviews

  • 4
    This small booklet taught me all the things of the Holy Spirit that my Catholic education failed to teach me.

    Posted by Joseph Forrest on Oct 12th 2023

    I most always wanted to know more about the Holy Spirit. This booklet gave me a lot to think about …

    Read More
  • 5
    Devotion to the Holy Spirit

    Posted by Jeanice Domec on May 29th 2023

    Perfect in time for novena to Holy Spirit leading to Pentecost . I will continue to alternately br…

    Read More
  • 5
    Better than I expected

    Posted by Danielle on May 24th 2023

    I love it. Ordered some booklets, I thought will be only prayers but is much more . The booklet have…

    Read More
  • 5
    Devotion to the Holy Spirit

    Posted by EILEEN B. on Nov 21st 2022

    Thanks, I share with church congregation and Bible study students. We all love that book and still o…

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  • 5
    Devotion to the Holy Spirit

    Posted by Bonnie L. on Aug 19th 2022

    I have used this book for years and it was falling apart. I ordered 4 new ones. One for me, one for …

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  • 5
    Great devotional on the Holy

    Posted by Joshua S. on May 9th 2022

    Great devotional on the Holy Spirit.

  • 5
    I love love love it.

    Posted by Michael R. on Mar 16th 2022

    I love love love it. And have a great devotion to the Holt Spirit.