
Read the book of the year: Confessions!

John S. Grabowski, PhD

John S. Grabowski, PhD

John S. Grabowski, PhD

Dr. John S. Grabowski has taught moral theology at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC for many years. He has taught undergraduates, seminarians, and doctoral students. His teaching and writing has focused on the human person, moral theology, marriage, sexual ethics, and ethical issues at the beginning of life. He was appointed by Pope Francis to the 2015 Synod on Family as an expert. Three times he has served the bishops of the United States as a theological consultant. He and his wife Claire were appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to the Pontifical Council for the Family in 2009 as a member couple. They have done marriage ministry (before and after the wedding) for many years and written a number of books together. They are regular guests on Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak's More2Life show on Ave Maria radio. John and Claire are parents and grandparents. Their family shares a passion for faith, family, good food, and the Green Bay Packers.

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