
TAN Resurrection

tan resurrection

TAN Resurrection

A New Initiative to Bring Catholic Books Back to Life!

Are you looking for Catholic books that are out of print or have never been published in English? TAN Books is excited to announce our new initiative, TAN Resurrection. This program will bring these great works back to life and make them available to modern readers.

The books in the TAN Resurrection collection were written by saints and great, holy people. They are free from modern divisiveness and full of words of truth for the soul who is striving for heaven. We hope that these books will inspire you on your journey to holiness.

The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict

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The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict

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The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict

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The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict

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The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict

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The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict

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The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict

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The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict

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The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict

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The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict

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The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict

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The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict

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The Cross and Medal of Saint Benedict

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TAN Resurrection Series in the Media