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  • Daily Surrender to God
    Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence is an enriching classic that will lay to rest many doubts and fears and open the door to peace and acceptance of God’s will. This excerpt offers practical and spiritual counsel on surrender to the Divine Will in all aspects of life, great and small. To the question, “In what…
  • The Day of Eternity
    Infinite joy awaits the soul who is welcomed into paradise. As pilgrims in an alien land, we who remain on earth encounter many hardships throughout our earthly lives. However, all of our sufferings pale in comparison to the ineffable happiness we will experience in heaven. Disciple: 1. O MOST happy mansion of the city above!…
  • Playing Princes
    Of all the autobiographies ever written by mere mortals, Confessions by Saint Augustine of Hippo is the greatest. In this masterpiece, you will find a Doctor of the Church longing for the true Doctor of the soul, Christ. This excerpt explains the hierarchy of obedience, crimes against nature, and love of God more than the…
  • Conformity to God’s Will in All Things
    If we desire holiness, we must learn to conform to God’s will in all things. It is very pleasing to God when we surrender ourselves to His will in both times of trial and favor. In this excerpt from Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence, readers will learn the secret of peace and the surest way…
  • The Gifts Of Heaven
    Relying on his profound insights from prayer and his deep love for Sacred Scripture, Anselm systematically describes various aspects of the happiness of heaven in his work, The Glories of Heaven. This excerpt compiles his writing on the gifts of friendship, honor, joy, and wisdom that we are promised in heaven.
  • The Divine Action Is Always Present
    The Divine action, although only visible to the eye of faith, is everywhere, and always present. God is interpreted through faith and His Providence is most visible when seen with the eyes of faith.
  • Avoiding False Compassion
    Of all the autobiographies ever written by mere mortals, Confessions by Saint Augustine of Hippo is the greatest. In this masterpiece, you will find a Doctor of the Church longing for the true Doctor of the soul, Christ. This excerpt highlights the distinction between compassion toward sin and true sorrow for lost souls. 
  • Words of the Apostle of Charity
    Saint Vincent de Paul exemplified the virtue of love of neighbor, earning him the title, Apostle of Charity. His life is a reminder for us still on earth, that our love for Christ must be an active one, revealing itself to those most in need. The following is a collection of Saint Vincent de Paul’s…
  • The Twelve Degrees of Humility
    Written in the sixth century by the father of Western monasticism himself, St. Benedict, this common-sense guide to living a truly Christian life is applicable to anyone, in or outside of the cloister. Learn from the Rule’s wonderful discretion, moderation, and keen insight into the capabilities and weaknesses of human nature. This excerpt describes the…
  • God Wills Our Good
    Perfect love of God is the complete union of our will with God’s. God wills our good and he desires our happiness more than anybody else. Above all, God desires our sanctification, not willing that any should perish. Follow along with Saint Alphonsus Liguori as he guides you to uniformity with God’s will. Those Who…
  • Novena Of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel
    The Little Flower Prayerbook is a Carmelite manual of priceless devotions, meditations, novenas, and more. This article lays out an abridged version of the Novena of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, whose feast is today! For the longer novena and many more devotions, pick up your copy of The Little Flower Prayerbook.
  • Saint Bonaventure: The Second Word
    From the pulpit of the cross, Christ gave His final and most riveting sermon: His seven last words. The following is Saint Bonaventure’s meditation on Christ’s second word from the Cross.
  • Selfless Prayer
    The Life and Revelations of St. Gertrude the Great records a lifetime of mystical conversation between St. Gertrude and the Lord. Through the course of her life, God revealed many spiritual truths and practices to St. Gertrude that still guide the faithful today. This excerpt compiles several revelations about selfless prayer.
  • 5 Powerful Prayers To St. Joseph
    Saint Joseph is renowned as a intercessor for all causes. He aids those who entrust themselves to his patronage and obtains many graces for the souls who beseech him. The following five prayers to Saint Joseph were excerpted from Saint Joseph Prayer Book.
  • Lessons From The Prodigal Son
    The Spiritual Exercises outline the rigorous self-examination and spiritual meditations of St. Ignatius, written to pave a path to holiness through contemplation, prayer, and discipline. This excerpt is a thorough meditation on the story of the Prodigal Son.
  • Saint Benedict’s 12 Degrees Of Humility
    The following excerpt was taken from The Rule of Saint Benedict and is an explanation of the twelve degrees of humility according to the Father of Western Monasticism himself.
  • Meditation On Death And Judgment
    An Introduction to the Devout Life is a thorough, loving guide to advancing in the spiritual life and loving God in prayer and the Sacraments. This excerpt includes two meditations on death and judgment.
  • Bearing The Defects Of Others
    hy do you see the speck in your neighbor’s eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye? (Matthew 7:3) All too often, we fall into the trap of criticism of others. It can be all too easy to lose patience with the faults of others. Here, Thomas à Kempis teaches us how to bear the defects of others with patience, following in the footsteps of Christ.
  • Our Lady Of Perpetual Help
    St. John Henry Newman is most well-known for his conversion from Anglicanism to the Catholic Church. Surprisingly, Newman held a deep devotion to the Blessed Mother even as a Protestant, and it was ultimately this Marian love that drew him home to the Church. 
  • The Goal Of Prayer
    In this excerpt from The Sermons of St. Francis de Sales: On Prayer, the saint treats the subject of prayer. De Sales discusses the four operations that pertain to our understanding and the goal of prayer.