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","date":"Feb 17th 2024"},{"name":"Kevin","rating":"5","title":"The Incredible Catholic Mass","text":"Great book. Full of information that I didn&#039;t know. There were also some items that I had heard at some point, but had forgotten. Reading this should be mandatory for new Catholics, and it might surprise some older ones as well.","date":"Dec 3rd 2023"},{"name":"KB","rating":"5","title":"Great book","text":"This book has many wonderful insights into the spiritual/ritual/symbolism of each Mass. The depth of information in this book has given me a new appreciation of the gift of the Mass.","date":"Oct 18th 2023"},{"name":"Jeff C.","rating":"5","title":"The Incredible Catholic Mass","text":"Excellent read!!! Should be in every Catholics home. Read it and read it again once a year!!!","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"Hope M.","rating":"5","title":"The Incredible Catholic Mass","text":"The Most Important book after the bible! You will fall in love with The Mass! Incredible, Amazing, Wonderful, Life Changing!!! I beg you . Please buy this book , Your Eternal Life will depend on it!!! After I read it , I bought as many copies as I could to Evangelize, to give the people I love and even extrangers! Total I bought 74 copies!","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"Eva J.","rating":"5","title":"Amazing!","text":"There Incredible Catholic Mass,ù has deepened my love for the Mass through explaining what is actually happening. It is lifting mystical veils and Im only half way through the book. For me, its to be read slowly and to ponder prayfully over.","date":"Sep 2nd 2022"},{"name":"William M.","rating":"5","title":"Good","text":"Great","date":"Jul 25th 2022"},{"name":"elizabeth b.","rating":"5","title":"A Must Read","text":"It is a must read to help increase the depth of love both for the mass and the Eucharist. Most chapters are only 8-10 pages so reading a chapter a day is usually doable. I have bought and given away several dozen of them for I believe this is something that many many Catholics don;t really appreciate or understand today.\nWe really need priests if we are to continue to be able have a mass that we can go to.\nPray for our priests as we are all in need in this great spiritual warfare in which we are engaged.","date":"Jul 20th 2022"},{"name":"Charley R.","rating":"5","title":"One of the Most important Books you will ever read.","text":"I consider this one of the most important books all Catholics should read. If you want to know what is happening in the Holy Mass then this book will tell you exactly what you need to know. I have read my copy many times and each time I read it I learn something new. It truly shows you how the Holy Mass is the life of Jesus. Just imagine, at every Mass you have the opportunity to stand below the Cross to worship and adore our dying Jesus and to see him rise again. Please buy this book to understand better what is happening in the Holy Mass.","date":"Jun 2nd 2022"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"Sacrificial Offering,The Last Supper,Greatest Prayer","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"The Incredible Catholic Mass: An Explanation of the Catholic Mass","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/1546/410/410__45478.1675951614.jpg?c=1","alt":"The Incredible Catholic Mass: An Explanation of the Catholic Mass"},{"data":"{:size}/products/1546/9651/1523_3D_F__47648.1682615748.jpg?c=1","alt":"The Incredible Catholic Mass: An Explanation of the Catholic Mass"},{"data":"{:size}/products/1546/9652/1523_3D_B__39363.1682615748.jpg?c=1","alt":"The Incredible Catholic Mass: An Explanation of the Catholic Mass"}],"width":"5.50"}

The Incredible Catholic Mass: An Explanation of the Catholic Mass

(14 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/Become a Saint/Biographies"]

Here is a book that is a product of our rich Catholic heritage, one that is destined to instruct both our modern times and the future. Written with the traditional Latin Mass as its paradigm, it is nonetheless not actually about that Mass, but about the essence of the Mass in general—about any Eucharistic Divine Liturgy, in any rite—and thus it has a universal appeal and is for the whole world.

This book should be owned personally by every Catholic 15 years of age or older and should be read and re-read until its insights are one's own—and thereafter every three to five years to refresh one's memory. The laity will gain tremendous instruction from this book, and even priests will discover their learning about the Mass renewed and their fervor in saying it increased.

Everyone who reads The Incredible Catholic Mass will think of his Mass attendance in terms of before and after this book. For it confirms the understanding that the Mass is incomparably the greatest prayer—that it is offered to God, not just by the officiating priest, but also by Jesus Christ Himself—in homage, in praise, in thanksgiving, in reparation, in petition, for conversions, for the Poor Souls, for health, for the Church, for the country, for society . . . —in short, for whatever legitimate intention a person can have.

The Incredible Catholic Mass is truly an incredible book about the most incredible reality in our midst: the Catholic Mass.

Product Format:
Fr. Martin Von Cochem, OSF

14 Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Bernadette Winkler on Feb 17th 2024

    Being a cradle Catholic, I still learned things about the Mass I never knew.

  • 5
    The Incredible Catholic Mass

    Posted by Kevin on Dec 3rd 2023

    Great book. Full of information that I didn't know. There were also some items that I had heard…

    Read More
  • 5
    Great book

    Posted by KB on Oct 18th 2023

    This book has many wonderful insights into the spiritual/ritual/symbolism of each Mass. The depth o…

    Read More
  • 5
    The Incredible Catholic Mass

    Posted by Jeff C. on May 24th 2023

    Excellent read!!! Should be in every Catholics home. Read it and read it again once a year!!!

  • 5
    The Incredible Catholic Mass

    Posted by Hope M. on May 24th 2023

    The Most Important book after the bible! You will fall in love with The Mass! Incredible, Amazing, W…

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  • 5

    Posted by Eva J. on Sep 2nd 2022

    There Incredible Catholic Mass,ù has deepened my love for the Mass through explaining what is actual…

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  • 5

    Posted by William M. on Jul 25th 2022


  • 5
    A Must Read

    Posted by elizabeth b. on Jul 20th 2022

    It is a must read to help increase the depth of love both for the mass and the Eucharist. Most chapt…

    Read More
  • 5
    One of the Most important Books you will ever read.

    Posted by Charley R. on Jun 2nd 2022

    I consider this one of the most important books all Catholics should read. If you want to know what …

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