As Pope St. John Paul II made clear in his apostolic exhortation Catechesi Tradendae, “The definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy, with Jesus Christ.”
The Formed in Christ series seeks to fulfill this call, fostering intimacy with Christ through its dynamic content. Each of the texts is complimented by a comprehensive workbook designed to provide instructors with test material and direction for enhancing students’ grasp of the material.
Each workbook includes:
- review and discussion questions,
- short quizzes (True/False, Fill in the Blank, Multiple Choice),
- key terms to define and spark note taking,
- essay prompts,
- scripture passage to memorize,
- a final exam,
- an answer key in the back for instructors.
Christ Alive in Us serves as an introduction to moral theology and answers the all-important question of what it means to know and follow Jesus Christ, examining the nature of discipleship as expressed through the Church’s moral teachings. It begins with an explanation of the fallen human condition, looking at the nature of sin and the pull of vice, before turning to the gifts of grace God has given us to overcome sin and live a life of virtue. To accomplish this, it explores the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes to see how they apply to the moral challenges we face in our everyday lives. It also defines the role of conscience, the sacraments, and the Church in moral decision-making, enabling readers to take advantage of all the help Christ gives to those who seek to follow him.
- Publication Date:
- 04/05/2021
- Pages:
- 96
- SKU:
- 2971
- Product Format:
- Paperbound
- Grade:
- Ninth Grade
- Grade:
- Tenth Grade
- Grade:
- Eleventh Grade
- Grade:
- Twelfth Grade
- Subject:
- Religion
- Height:
- 11.00
- Width:
- 8.50