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{"num_reviews":8,"url":"","add_this":[{"service":"","annotation":""}],"gtin":null,"id":3071,"can_purchase":true,"meta_description":"Discover \"The Story of Civilization Volume 3: The Making of the Modern World\" by Phillip Campbell. A comprehensive Catholic perspective from TAN Books awaits you.","category":["Books","Books/General ","Lifelong Learning/TAN Homeschool/Shop by Grade/4th Grade","Lifelong Learning/TAN Homeschool/Shop by Grade/7th Grade","Lifelong Learning/TAN Homeschool/Shop by Grade/8th Grade","Lifelong Learning/TAN Homeschool/Shop by Product Line/The Story of Civilization"],"main_image":{"data":"{:size}/products/3071/4943/4943__17185.1725452239.jpg?c=1","alt":"The Story of Civilization Volume 3: The Making of the Modern World (Complete Set)"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=3071","custom_fields":[{"id":"51734","name":"Author","value":"Phillip Campbell"},{"id":"51735","name":"Imprint","value":"TAN Books"},{"id":"51736","name":"Publication Date","value":"6/4/2018"},{"id":"51737","name":"Product Format","value":"Set"},{"id":"51738","name":"Illustrator","value":"Chris Pelicano"},{"id":"51739","name":"SKU","value":"2694"},{"id":"56969","name":"Wistia Name","value":"TAN Academy: The Story of Civilization Volume 3"},{"id":"56970","name":"Wistia Hash","value":"vz1sfpdn6l"},{"id":"56971","name":"Wistia Url","value":""},{"id":"56972","name":"Wistia Type","value":"Series"}],"sku":"2694","description":"<p>Children should not just read about history; they should live it. In <strong><em>The Story of Civilization</em></strong>, the stories that have shaped humanity come alive like never before. Author Phillip Campbell uses his historical expertise and storytelling ability together in tandem to present the content in a fresh and thrilling way.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong><em>The Story of Civilization</em>&nbsp;</strong>reflects a new emphasis in presenting the history of the world as a thrilling and compelling narrative. Within each chapter, children will encounter short stories that place them directly in the shoes of historical figures, both famous and ordinary, as they live through legendary battles and invasions, philosophical debates, the construction of architectural wonders, the discovery of new inventions and sciences, and the exploration of the world.&nbsp;</p>\n<p><em><strong>Volume III: The Making of the Modern World</strong><span>&nbsp;</span></em>continues the journey, picking up where<span>&nbsp;</span><em>Volume II</em><span>&nbsp;</span>left off amidst the Renaissance and quickly diving in to the history-altering events of the Reformation. This fracturing of the Church dramatically altered the course of modern Europe and the world at large.</p>\n<p>But during the most tumultuous times, God gives us the greatest saints. Children will meet great figures like Sts. Pius V, Thomas More, John Vianney, and Margaret Mary Alacoque, as well as powerful leaders like Napoleon and Kings Henry VIII of England and Louis XIV of France. This volume brings us through present-day Europe, showing us the effects of two world wars and how the Church responded to these changing times.</p>\n<p>The strength of the content lies not only in the storybook delivery, but also in the way it presents history through the faithful prism of the Church. Have you always wanted your children to learn about world history from a Catholic perspective? Here, you&rsquo;ll have the trusted resource you&rsquo;ve always wanted.</p>\n<p><em><strong>Did You Know&hellip;</strong></em></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Columbus called the Native Americans &ldquo;Indians&rdquo; because he thought he had landed in India?</li>\n<li>Henry VIII was once known as &ldquo;Defender of the Faith&rdquo;?</li>\n<li>A&nbsp;string of popes became known as the &ldquo;prisoners of the Vatican&rdquo; because they never left the Vatican grounds for 60 years?</li>\n<li>King Louis XIV was known as the &ldquo;Sun King&rdquo; because of the bright brilliance&nbsp;of his&nbsp;palace&nbsp;at Versailles?</li>\n<li>The Soviet Union built what was called &ldquo;the Iron Curtain,&rdquo; behind which they ruled half of Europe?</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Embark on the journey now to learn of all these wonders and more!</p>\n<p><strong><span><br />Complete Set</span></strong></p>\n<p>The Complete Set includes the Text Book, Test Book, Activity Book and Teacher&rsquo;s Manual, Video Lecture Series, and the Audio Dramatization, as well as a a FREE copy of the Timeline Poster.</p>\n<p><strong><span><br />Dramatized Audio Book</span></strong></p>\n<p>Talented voice actor and audiobook producer Kevin Gallagher returns to bring children the history of the world in this riveting reading of <strong><em>The Story of Civilization Volume III: The Making of the Modern World</em></strong>. This follows his immensely popular reading of TAN&rsquo;s <em>The Story of the Bible</em>. Your children will be transported back in time through the sound effects, music, and voice acting that complement the reading of the text.</p>\n<p>Whether looking for entertainment on a long road trip, enhancing the experience with the text, or catering to the needs of a child with a reading disability, this audio dramatization will open up a new world of adventure for kids of all ages.</p>\n<p><strong><span><br />Test Book</span></strong><em> (Suggested for 5<sup>th</sup> to 8<sup>th</sup>grade)</em></p>\n<p>This test book serves as a companion resource to&nbsp;<strong><em>The Story of Civilization: The Making of the Modern World</em></strong>. With this book, students can test their reading comprehension and further educate themselves on the content found in the text.</p>\n<p>One quiz corresponds to each chapter in the text book. Questions for each chapter are suitable as a study exercise or as an objective-answer test, with an answer key for teachers in the back. The questions include matching items, multiple choice, and true/false.</p>\n<p><strong><span><br />Activity Book and Teacher&rsquo;s Manual</span></strong> <em>(Suggested for 1<sup>st</sup> to 4<sup>th</sup>&nbsp;Grade)</em><strong><span><br /></span></strong></p>\n<p>The Activity Book and companion Teacher&rsquo;s Manual provide a complete review of everything read in&nbsp;<strong><em>The Story of Civilization: The Making of the Modern World</em></strong>, along with creative activities to accompany each chapter, including:</p>\n<p class=\"p5\" style=\"padding-left: 40px;\">&bull; Reading comprehension questions<br />&bull; Narration Exercises&nbsp;<br />&bull; Map Activities<br />&bull; Coloring Pages<br />&bull; Crossword Puzzles and Word Searches<br />&bull; Craft Projects unique to each chapter<br />&bull; Fun Snack Ideas and Recipes<br />&bull; Science Projects that illustrate the lessons learned in the chapters</p>\n<p>These books provide a complete and creative overview to the teacher and student alike, reaffirming the content found in&nbsp;<strong><em>The Story of Civilization</em></strong>.</p>\n<p><em>*While the Teacher&rsquo;s Manual contains answers and directions to the exercises found in the Activity Book, it also has its own additional activity suggestions for parents to do with their children.</em></p>\n<p><strong><span><br />Streaming Video Lecture Series<br /></span></strong></p>\n<p>In this lecture series, the author of <strong><em>The Story of Civilization</em></strong>, Phillip Campbell, leads students on a chapter-by-chapter journey, reviewing the events, characters, and lessons that make up Volume III. This companion piece to the text is meant to assist parents and allow a hands-off approach to their lesson planning.</p>\n<p>In each lecture, students will find:</p>\n<p style=\"padding-left: 40px;\">&bull; &nbsp;A 10-minute narrative review of each chapter<br />&bull; &nbsp;A discussion of key figures<br />&bull; &nbsp;Further explanation of historical events<br />&bull; &nbsp;Engaging visual aids and graphics<br />&bull; &nbsp;A short quiz to test their knowledge</p>\n<p>After viewing these lectures, students will be able to turn to their workbooks and test books with confidence!</p>\n<p>Streaming videos will be available in the \"My Account\" area of your account. Buyers of the Complete Set will receive a card with a digital Access Code to add the videos to your account.</p>\n<p><strong><span>Timeline Poster</span></strong></p>\n<p>Keeping track of the people, events, and dates that shaped history can be difficult. With this fun, comprehensive, and engaging timeline that employs an easy-to-follow format and vibrant illustrations, students will have the help they need to track the chronology of the story of civilization.</p>\n<p>This timeline mirrors the scope of&nbsp;<strong><em>The Story of Civilization</em> </strong>text book, beginning with the colonization of the New World and running to the Cold War and fall of the Soviet Union. Within these bookends, children will be introduced to Martin Luther and the devastating fallout of the Reformation, the Catholic Church's Counter-Reformation response, Napoleon Bonaparte and the French Revolution, the prisoner popes of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Adolf Hitler and the story of World War II, and so much more. A fun &ldquo;Timeline Trivia&rdquo; section can be found on the back for students to test their knowledge! &nbsp;</p>\n<p>Features include:</p>\n<p style=\"padding-left: 40px;\">&bull; Laminated format capable of being written on with a sharpie<br />&bull; 36 x 18 size when unfolded&nbsp;<br />&bull; Easy-to-follow structure<br />&bull; 40+ illustrations<br />&bull; Covers over 75 major events and people<br />&bull; &ldquo;Timeline Trivia&rdquo; on the back</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>","tags":[],"warranty":"","price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$169.95","value":169.95,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax"},"detail_messages":"","availability":"","page_title":"The Story of Civilization Volume 3: The Making of the Modern World (Complete Set)","cart_url":"","max_purchase_quantity":0,"mpn":null,"upc":"9781505109924","options":[{"id":4579,"type":"Configurable_PickList_Set","display_name":"Format","required":true,"state":"variant_option","partial":"set-rectangle","condition":true,"values":[{"id":9033,"label":"Set","selected":true,"data":"Set"}]}],"related_products":[{"id":2919,"sku":"2690-GROUPED","name":"The Story of Civilization Volume 3: The Making of the Modern World","url":"","availability":"","rating":5,"brand":null,"category":["Books","Books/General ","Lifelong Learning/TAN Homeschool/Shop by Grade/4th Grade","Lifelong Learning/TAN Homeschool/Shop by Product Line/The Story of Civilization"],"summary":"Children should not just read about history; they should live it. 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I was wishing for a product just like this. This curriculum is so flexible to different schooling styles and ages and has a wonderful, honest Catholic perspective. So happy I made this investment. Love that I could get the audio on Audible since CDs aren;t as practical for us.","date":"Jan 7th 2023"},{"name":"Megan C.","rating":"5","title":"The Story of Civilization Volume 3: Making of the Modern World","text":"Our sons love this history curriculum, especially listening to the stories on cd. It is engaging, thoughtful and very well done. We highly recommend it!","date":"Jul 26th 2022"},{"name":"Ileana R.","rating":"5","title":"Awesome History course.","text":"This is the best History Course out there. My son loves it. He enjoys the audio book very much. I highly recommend this curriculum if you have a child with ADD or ADHD.","date":"Jul 25th 2022"},{"name":"Kristin S.","rating":"5","title":"Fantastic history learning!","text":"My daughter loves these books, this is our third year using them. The way Mr, Campbell mixed the saints stories into the history and the audio dramas are wonderful. We have Bought 4 sets so far!","date":"Jul 9th 2022"},{"name":"Maura M.","rating":"5","title":"Captivating material","text":"The ambiance of the each lesson puts you there in real time. My children were captivated by the story telling and actually remember the material! They are excited about history, now. The Saint stories intertwined with secular history gives the children an idea of what was going on in the church verses the world.","date":"Mar 26th 2022"},{"name":"Beth S.","rating":"5","title":"Cohesive Telling of History and Church History","text":"The Story of Civilization draws together the events we have heard of, with the more unique events, Churchs history and a context to understand. The audio is not only enjoyable, but a great supplement for comprehension for struggling readers or just auditory learners. Excellent resources and activity ideas that are super easy for busy teachers to manage.","date":"Mar 22nd 2022"},{"name":"Amparo E.","rating":"4","title":"My children love listening to","text":"My children love listening to the read loud but I wish the curriculum included map over for every chapter.","date":"Mar 21st 2022"},{"name":"Brenda B.","rating":"4","title":"The kids love listening to","text":"The kids love listening to the stories and we have great discussions after. The timeline poster is very useful in helping them better understand.","date":"Mar 20th 2022"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"History,Homeschool,Europe","show_quantity_input":1,"AddThisServiceButtonMeta":"","videos":{"list":[{"id":"Ok5i85a6dpM","title_short":"The Story of C...","title_long":"The Story of Civilization Volume 3 Sample","description_long":"Product Page:\nAbout TAN Academy:\nEnrollment Info:\nTAN Academy FAQs:\n\nJoin renowned author Philip Campbell as he leads elementary students through history from a distinctly Catholic worldview!\n\nTAN Academy is a comprehensive K-12 homeschool curriculum which seeks to educate their students and families to desire the highest things—the good, the true, and the beautiful. TAN Academy’s guiding precepts are the the education of children and the formation of families, which is achieved by the characteristics of our curriculum, which is trustworthy, simple to use, and is given at an affordable price.\n\n\"The Story of Civilization,\" recommended for elementary grades, reflects a new emphasis in presenting the history of the world as a thrilling and compelling narrative. Within each chapter, children will encounter short stories that place them directly in the shoes of historical figures, both famous and ordinary, as they live through legendary battles and invasions, philosophical debates, the construction of architectural wonders, the discovery of new inventions and sciences, and the exploration of the world. \n\n\"Volume III: The Making of the Modern World\" continues the journey, picking up where Volume II left off amidst the Renaissance and quickly diving in to the history-altering events of the Reformation. This fracturing of the Church dramatically altered the course of modern Europe and the world at large.\n\nBut during the most tumultuous times, God gives us the greatest saints. Children will meet great figures like Sts. Pius V, Thomas More, John Vianney, and Margaret Mary Alacoque, as well as powerful leaders like Napoleon and Kings Henry VIII of England and Louis XIV of France. This volume brings us through present-day Europe, showing us the affects of two world wars and how the Church responded to these changing times.\n\nThe strength of the content lies not only in the storybook delivery, but also in the way it presents history through the faithful prism of the Church. Have you always wanted your children to learn about world history from a Catholic perspective? Here, you’ll have the trusted resource you’ve always wanted.","description_short":"Product Page:","length":"14:24"}],"featured":{"id":"Ok5i85a6dpM","title_short":"The Story of C...","title_long":"The Story of Civilization Volume 3 Sample","description_long":"Product Page:\nAbout TAN Academy:\nEnrollment Info:\nTAN Academy FAQs:\n\nJoin renowned author Philip Campbell as he leads elementary students through history from a distinctly Catholic worldview!\n\nTAN Academy is a comprehensive K-12 homeschool curriculum which seeks to educate their students and families to desire the highest things—the good, the true, and the beautiful. TAN Academy’s guiding precepts are the the education of children and the formation of families, which is achieved by the characteristics of our curriculum, which is trustworthy, simple to use, and is given at an affordable price.\n\n\"The Story of Civilization,\" recommended for elementary grades, reflects a new emphasis in presenting the history of the world as a thrilling and compelling narrative. Within each chapter, children will encounter short stories that place them directly in the shoes of historical figures, both famous and ordinary, as they live through legendary battles and invasions, philosophical debates, the construction of architectural wonders, the discovery of new inventions and sciences, and the exploration of the world. \n\n\"Volume III: The Making of the Modern World\" continues the journey, picking up where Volume II left off amidst the Renaissance and quickly diving in to the history-altering events of the Reformation. This fracturing of the Church dramatically altered the course of modern Europe and the world at large.\n\nBut during the most tumultuous times, God gives us the greatest saints. Children will meet great figures like Sts. Pius V, Thomas More, John Vianney, and Margaret Mary Alacoque, as well as powerful leaders like Napoleon and Kings Henry VIII of England and Louis XIV of France. This volume brings us through present-day Europe, showing us the affects of two world wars and how the Church responded to these changing times.\n\nThe strength of the content lies not only in the storybook delivery, but also in the way it presents history through the faithful prism of the Church. Have you always wanted your children to learn about world history from a Catholic perspective? Here, you’ll have the trusted resource you’ve always wanted.","description_short":"Product Page:","length":"14:24"}},"title":"The Story of Civilization Volume 3: The Making of the Modern World (Complete Set)","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/3071/4943/4943__17185.1725452239.jpg?c=1","alt":"The Story of Civilization Volume 3: The Making of the Modern World (Complete Set)"}]}

The Story of Civilization Volume 3: The Making of the Modern World (Complete Set)

(8 reviews) Write a Review
["Books","Books/General ","Lifelong Learning/TAN Homeschool/Shop by Grade/4th Grade","Lifelong Learning/TAN Homeschool/Shop by Grade/7th Grade","Lifelong Learning/TAN Homeschool/Shop by Grade/8th Grade","Lifelong Learning/TAN Homeschool/Shop by Product Line/The Story of Civilization"]

Children should not just read about history; they should live it. In The Story of Civilization, the stories that have shaped humanity come alive like never before. Author Phillip Campbell uses his historical expertise and storytelling ability together in tandem to present the content in a fresh and thrilling way.  

The Story of Civilization reflects a new emphasis in presenting the history of the world as a thrilling and compelling narrative. Within each chapter, children will encounter short stories that place them directly in the shoes of historical figures, both famous and ordinary, as they live through legendary battles and invasions, philosophical debates, the construction of architectural wonders, the discovery of new inventions and sciences, and the exploration of the world. 

Volume III: The Making of the Modern World continues the journey, picking up where Volume II left off amidst the Renaissance and quickly diving in to the history-altering events of the Reformation. This fracturing of the Church dramatically altered the course of modern Europe and the world at large.

But during the most tumultuous times, God gives us the greatest saints. Children will meet great figures like Sts. Pius V, Thomas More, John Vianney, and Margaret Mary Alacoque, as well as powerful leaders like Napoleon and Kings Henry VIII of England and Louis XIV of France. This volume brings us through present-day Europe, showing us the effects of two world wars and how the Church responded to these changing times.

The strength of the content lies not only in the storybook delivery, but also in the way it presents history through the faithful prism of the Church. Have you always wanted your children to learn about world history from a Catholic perspective? Here, you’ll have the trusted resource you’ve always wanted.

Did You Know…

  • Columbus called the Native Americans “Indians” because he thought he had landed in India?
  • Henry VIII was once known as “Defender of the Faith”?
  • A string of popes became known as the “prisoners of the Vatican” because they never left the Vatican grounds for 60 years?
  • King Louis XIV was known as the “Sun King” because of the bright brilliance of his palace at Versailles?
  • The Soviet Union built what was called “the Iron Curtain,” behind which they ruled half of Europe?

Embark on the journey now to learn of all these wonders and more!

Complete Set

The Complete Set includes the Text Book, Test Book, Activity Book and Teacher’s Manual, Video Lecture Series, and the Audio Dramatization, as well as a a FREE copy of the Timeline Poster.

Dramatized Audio Book

Talented voice actor and audiobook producer Kevin Gallagher returns to bring children the history of the world in this riveting reading of The Story of Civilization Volume III: The Making of the Modern World. This follows his immensely popular reading of TAN’s The Story of the Bible. Your children will be transported back in time through the sound effects, music, and voice acting that complement the reading of the text.

Whether looking for entertainment on a long road trip, enhancing the experience with the text, or catering to the needs of a child with a reading disability, this audio dramatization will open up a new world of adventure for kids of all ages.

Test Book
(Suggested for 5th to 8thgrade)

This test book serves as a companion resource to The Story of Civilization: The Making of the Modern World. With this book, students can test their reading comprehension and further educate themselves on the content found in the text.

One quiz corresponds to each chapter in the text book. Questions for each chapter are suitable as a study exercise or as an objective-answer test, with an answer key for teachers in the back. The questions include matching items, multiple choice, and true/false.

Activity Book and Teacher’s Manual
(Suggested for 1st to 4th Grade)

The Activity Book and companion Teacher’s Manual provide a complete review of everything read in The Story of Civilization: The Making of the Modern World, along with creative activities to accompany each chapter, including:

• Reading comprehension questions
• Narration Exercises 
• Map Activities
• Coloring Pages
• Crossword Puzzles and Word Searches
• Craft Projects unique to each chapter
• Fun Snack Ideas and Recipes
• Science Projects that illustrate the lessons learned in the chapters

These books provide a complete and creative overview to the teacher and student alike, reaffirming the content found in The Story of Civilization.

*While the Teacher’s Manual contains answers and directions to the exercises found in the Activity Book, it also has its own additional activity suggestions for parents to do with their children.

Streaming Video Lecture Series

In this lecture series, the author of The Story of Civilization, Phillip Campbell, leads students on a chapter-by-chapter journey, reviewing the events, characters, and lessons that make up Volume III. This companion piece to the text is meant to assist parents and allow a hands-off approach to their lesson planning.

In each lecture, students will find:

•  A 10-minute narrative review of each chapter
•  A discussion of key figures
•  Further explanation of historical events
•  Engaging visual aids and graphics
•  A short quiz to test their knowledge

After viewing these lectures, students will be able to turn to their workbooks and test books with confidence!

Streaming videos will be available in the "My Account" area of your account. Buyers of the Complete Set will receive a card with a digital Access Code to add the videos to your account.

Timeline Poster

Keeping track of the people, events, and dates that shaped history can be difficult. With this fun, comprehensive, and engaging timeline that employs an easy-to-follow format and vibrant illustrations, students will have the help they need to track the chronology of the story of civilization.

This timeline mirrors the scope of The Story of Civilization text book, beginning with the colonization of the New World and running to the Cold War and fall of the Soviet Union. Within these bookends, children will be introduced to Martin Luther and the devastating fallout of the Reformation, the Catholic Church's Counter-Reformation response, Napoleon Bonaparte and the French Revolution, the prisoner popes of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Adolf Hitler and the story of World War II, and so much more. A fun “Timeline Trivia” section can be found on the back for students to test their knowledge!  

Features include:

• Laminated format capable of being written on with a sharpie
• 36 x 18 size when unfolded 
• Easy-to-follow structure
• 40+ illustrations
• Covers over 75 major events and people
• “Timeline Trivia” on the back


Phillip Campbell
TAN Books
Publication Date:
Product Format:
Chris Pelicano

8 Reviews

  • 4
    Just what I needed

    Posted by KATHERINE D. on Jan 7th 2023

    I have been homeschooling for over 20 years. I was wishing for a product just like this. This curric…

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  • 5
    The Story of Civilization Volume 3: Making of the Modern World

    Posted by Megan C. on Jul 26th 2022

    Our sons love this history curriculum, especially listening to the stories on cd. It is engaging, th…

    Read More
  • 5
    Awesome History course.

    Posted by Ileana R. on Jul 25th 2022

    This is the best History Course out there. My son loves it. He enjoys the audio book very much. I hi…

    Read More
  • 5
    Fantastic history learning!

    Posted by Kristin S. on Jul 9th 2022

    My daughter loves these books, this is our third year using them. The way Mr, Campbell mixed the sai…

    Read More
  • 5
    Captivating material

    Posted by Maura M. on Mar 26th 2022

    The ambiance of the each lesson puts you there in real time. My children were captivated by the stor…

    Read More
  • 5
    Cohesive Telling of History and Church History

    Posted by Beth S. on Mar 22nd 2022

    The Story of Civilization draws together the events we have heard of, with the more unique events, C…

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  • 4
    My children love listening to

    Posted by Amparo E. on Mar 21st 2022

    My children love listening to the read loud but I wish the curriculum included map over for every ch…

    Read More
  • 4
    The kids love listening to

    Posted by Brenda B. on Mar 20th 2022

    The kids love listening to the stories and we have great discussions after. The timeline poster is v…

    Read More

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