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Lawrence Daniel Carney III"},{"id":"54231","name":"Author Bio","value":"Father Lawrence Carney was ordained for the Diocese of Wichita in 2007."},{"id":"54233","name":"Forward","value":"Mary Jane Zuzolo"},{"id":"54234","name":"Pdf","value":""}],"sku":"3016","description":"<p>From the creation of man to the current ecclesial infiltration and world revolution, the devil and his minions have sought to destroy the human race made in the image of God. No longer attacking from without, they are now secretly laying siege from within the Holy Roman Catholic Church. But why is God allowing this? He loves to see souls heroically battle for the faith.</p>\n<p>In the nineteenth century, Venerable Leo Dupont said that Communists would one day enslave the world&mdash;that is, &ldquo;close up their churches, and make them slaves of the state . . . unless reparation is done, unless men come before the Face of their Saviour to ask His forgiveness and His help!&rdquo;</p>\n<p>In this powerful book, Father Carney reveals the essence and history of the Holy Face Devotion, its apostles, and how to save society and the Church from her foes.</p>\n<p>&ldquo;Reparation is destined to save society,&rdquo; said Blessed Pope Pius IX. Join the ranks of Saint Th&eacute;r&egrave;se and other saints in the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face and contemplate His Face to help restore Christendom from the evils of Communism and Freemasonry. Heaven longs for this devotion. 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Pius IX\nThe devotion to the...","image":{"data":"{:size}/products/3208/3560/3560__99560.1666799852.png?c=1","alt":"Devotion to the Holy Face (MP3 Audio Download)"},"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/3208/3560/3560__99560.1666799852.png?c=1","alt":"Devotion to the Holy Face (MP3 Audio Download)"}],"date_added":"Feb 17th 2021","pre_order":false,"show_cart_action":true,"has_options":false,"stock_level":null,"low_stock_level":null,"qty_in_cart":0,"custom_fields":[{"id":42213,"name":"Product Format","value":"MP3 Download"},{"id":42224,"name":"File URL","value":""}],"num_reviews":0,"weight":{"formatted":"0.00 LBS","value":0},"demo":false,"add_to_cart_url":"","price":{"without_tax":{"currency":"USD","formatted":"$4.95","value":4.95},"tax_label":"Tax"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=3208"}],"shipping_messages":[],"rating":5,"reviews":{"messages":[],"total":42,"end":42,"start":37,"list":[{"name":"Phillip B.","rating":"5","title":"A Devotion Needed for our Times","text":"It&#039;s an excellent presentation on the Holy Face Devotion, much needed in our times. This devotion was meant for our times, in our spiritual warfare! Thanks to Fr. Carney for reawakening this devotion.","date":"Jul 11th 2022"},{"name":"Sandra S.","rating":"5","title":"Beautiful","text":"New information leading me to new interest \nThought provoking \nTenderness\nPowerful \nIn the image of Jesus face","date":"Jul 9th 2022"},{"name":"Terrence M.","rating":"4","title":"I was unfamiliar with this","text":"I was unfamiliar with this devotion and this book helped me to understand it and its history.","date":"Jul 9th 2022"},{"name":"Sean P.","rating":"5","title":"The Devotion to Save Society","text":"This was an excellent overview of the Devotion to the Holy Face. Father Carney does a great job of fleshing out the many saints and holy people associated with the devotion from Saint Martin of Tours all the way down to Sister Mary of St. Peter and Venerable Leo DuPont. It has opened my eyes to the importance of reparation for blasphemy, atheism and profanation of Sundays and Holy Days. He provides as excellent appendix which is filled information on the Holy Face devotion including various prayers and further discussions on the Veil of Veronica. I highly recommend it and The Golden Arrow, also available from TAN Books for more information on this important devotion.","date":"Jul 8th 2022"},{"name":"Philip K.","rating":"5","title":"An excellent book!","text":"Ive only just started book, but its a true gem! So many great devotions in Catholic Church, but all the more pressing to bring this devotion of the Holy Face of Our Lord to all corners of planet earth! Most especially to pushback against the evil ideology of Communism and the aid in the conversion of the legions of Communistsù throughout the world.","date":"Jun 28th 2022"},{"name":"BYRON B.","rating":"5","title":"Essential Book for our times","text":"Father Carney has done a great service for the Church and society. This devotion is essential for our times. Devotion to the Holy Face is not something that is new, rather it is as old as time and as young as the Psalms. As the Psalmist says, &quot;we shall know the fullness of joy when we see Thy Face O; Lord.&quot; \nDevotion to the Holy Face is a simple way, the &quot;Little Way&quot; of St. Therese to make up to God for all the insults He endures due to the public sins of His people, who will not keep the first three commandments, honoring His Person, Name and Day. \nThis devotion is Trinitarian in essence. This apostolic devotion is also the devotion of the Angels, who delight in adoring Our Lord and seeing Him face to face. It is Saint Michael, who was the first angelic creature to make reparation for that proto blasphemy of the fallen one. Michaels very name is an act of reparation. \nThis devotion is intrinsic to the rosary. Pope John Paul II in his later years, often exhorted the faithful to contemplate the face of Christ in union with, and at the school of, his Most Holy Mother. Pope John Paul II emphasized that to recite the Rosary is nothing other than to contemplate with Mary the face of Christ. \nHIGHLY RECOMMEND this book and reading it several times. It is an addendum to the 1887 Manual of the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face. If only our Bishops and priests would awake to its importance. Until then, it is up to the laity to lead the charge alongside the Angels to defend God and to make reparation. As Our Lady of Fatima stated, God is already too much offended. \nTake up this book and read, learn and then practice how &quot;reparation is destined to save society,&quot; as prophesized by Blessed Pope Pius IX","date":"Jun 21st 2022"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"Secret of the Holy Face: The Devotion Destined to Save Society","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/3546/7672/7672__97600.1675951627.jpg?c=1","alt":"Secret of the Holy Face: The Devotion Destined to Save Society"},{"data":"{:size}/products/3546/7671/7671__62319.1675951626.png?c=1","alt":"Secret of the Holy Face: The Devotion Destined to Save Society"}],"width":"5.00"}

Secret of the Holy Face: The Devotion Destined to Save Society

(42 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/Become a Saint/Lives of the Saints","Books/Tradition/Contra Mundi","Books/Tradition/Church History","Books/Become a Saint/Jesus Christ","Books/Become a Saint/Spiritual Warfare"]

From the creation of man to the current ecclesial infiltration and world revolution, the devil and his minions have sought to destroy the human race made in the image of God. No longer attacking from without, they are now secretly laying siege from within the Holy Roman Catholic Church. But why is God allowing this? He loves to see souls heroically battle for the faith.

In the nineteenth century, Venerable Leo Dupont said that Communists would one day enslave the world—that is, “close up their churches, and make them slaves of the state . . . unless reparation is done, unless men come before the Face of their Saviour to ask His forgiveness and His help!”

In this powerful book, Father Carney reveals the essence and history of the Holy Face Devotion, its apostles, and how to save society and the Church from her foes.

“Reparation is destined to save society,” said Blessed Pope Pius IX. Join the ranks of Saint Thérèse and other saints in the Archconfraternity of the Holy Face and contemplate His Face to help restore Christendom from the evils of Communism and Freemasonry. Heaven longs for this devotion. Here is a timely book that provides a counter-revolution of reparation, reverence, and reversion.

TAN Books
Publication Date:
Fr. Lawrence Daniel Carney III
Author Bio:
Father Lawrence Carney was ordained for the Diocese of Wichita in 2007.
Mary Jane Zuzolo

42 Reviews

  • 5
    A Devotion Needed for our Times

    Posted by Phillip B. on Jul 11th 2022

    It's an excellent presentation on the Holy Face Devotion, much needed in our times. This devoti…

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  • 5

    Posted by Sandra S. on Jul 9th 2022

    New information leading me to new interest Thought provoking Tenderness Powerful In the image of …

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  • 4
    I was unfamiliar with this

    Posted by Terrence M. on Jul 9th 2022

    I was unfamiliar with this devotion and this book helped me to understand it and its history.

  • 5
    The Devotion to Save Society

    Posted by Sean P. on Jul 8th 2022

    This was an excellent overview of the Devotion to the Holy Face. Father Carney does a great job of f…

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  • 5
    An excellent book!

    Posted by Philip K. on Jun 28th 2022

    Ive only just started book, but its a true gem! So many great devotions in Catholic Church, but all …

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  • 5
    Essential Book for our times

    Posted by BYRON B. on Jun 21st 2022

    Father Carney has done a great service for the Church and society. This devotion is essential for ou…

    Read More

Editorial Reviews

Athanasius Schneider (Auxiliary Bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan)

“I very much recommend Rev. Fr. Lawrence Daniel Carney’s book, The Secret of the Holy Face: The Devotion Destined to Save Society. The devotion to the Sacred Face of Christ leads us to the source of our salvation and sanctification, which is the holy passion of Our Lord. ‘Through His wounds we have been healed’ (1 Pt 2:24). Fr. Carney’s book contains a sound historical and spiritual exposition about the Sacred Face of Christ and presents to the faithful also valuable advices for their devotional and spiritual life.”

Rev. Abbot Philip Anderson, OSB

Abbot Philip Anderson (Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey)

“The human face is the mirror of the soul, which is already a great mystery. In the case of Christ, His Face, this living icon, reveals to us not only the human soul of the Lord in all its perfection and splendor but the very Person of Christ, which is not human, but Divine—one of the Three. In his book The Secret of the Holy Face, Fr. Carney leads us on a journey into the secret of this Face that has enthralled and transformed the Church for some two millennia and continues to do so up until our day.”

Jesse Romero (author of The Devil in the City of Angels)

“Devotion to the Holy Face is the most hidden, yet most powerful devotion of our times. And it must no longer be kept a secret. Fr. Carney’s book helps lay siege to our enemies.”

Steve Cunningham (founder of Sensus Fidelium)

“The Holy Face is the DEVOTION of this age. Our Lord told Sr. Mary of St. Peter ‘make war with the Communists!’ This devotion is connected to the Sacred Heart, La Salette, the Holy Name, and Calvary. It created the greatest miracle worker in Church history, Venerable Leo DuPont, the holy man of tours. Our Lord also told Sr. Mary of St. Peter that He wishes for ‘many Veronicas’ in reparation to the abuse of His name, blasphemies, and disrespect of Holy Days and Sunday. Father Carney has been monumental in promoting this devotion and it will be worth your time to learn of it.”