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{"num_reviews":14,"url":"","add_this":[{"service":"","annotation":""}],"gtin":null,"id":"2227","can_purchase":true,"meta_description":"Read The Dogma of Hell: Illustrated by Facts Taken From Profane and Sacred History by Rev. Fr. F. X. Schouppe, , S.J., a Catholic book from TAN","category":["Books/Tradition/Contra Mundi","Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks","Books/General /TAN Essentials","St. Benedict's Feast Day Sale"],"AddThisServiceButtonMeta":"","main_image":{"data":"{:size}/products/2227/879/879__26600.1675951639.jpg?c=1","alt":"The Dogma of Hell: Illustrated by Facts Taken From Profane and Sacred History"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=2227","custom_fields":[{"id":"55723","name":"Author","value":"Fr. F. X. Schouppe, SJ"},{"id":"55724","name":"Imprint","value":"TAN Books"},{"id":"55725","name":"Pages","value":"112"},{"id":"55726","name":"Publication Date","value":"3/1/2010"},{"id":"55727","name":"Product Format","value":"Paperbound"},{"id":"55728","name":"Pdf","value":""}],"sku":"2306","description":"<p><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&ldquo;The Dogma of Hell is the most terrible truth of our faith. There is a Hell. We are as sure of it as of the existence of God, the existence of the sun. Nothing in fact, is more clearly revealed than the Dogma of Hell.&rdquo;</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&mdash;Fr. </span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Fran&ccedil;ois Xavier</span><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"> Schouppe, S.J.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Many people have contemplated the joys of Heaven, but few Catholics take the dogma of Hell as seriously as they should.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Hell is certainly not a topic to be taken lightly, and renowned French theologian Fr. Schouppe, S.J., gives the topic the thoroughness it deserves. Detachment from sin is difficult, but his explanations of the Church&rsquo;s teachings on Hell show you why it is so important.&nbsp;</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Hell, the necessary consequence of sin, demonstrates the horror of sin and what it does to our souls.&nbsp;</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">If you can begin to understand the terror of Hell, then you can also begin to free yourself from sinful habits.&nbsp;</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">In brief and easy-to-read chapters, Fr. Schouppe describes the dogma of the Catholic Church, as well as apparitions of the dammed and other real events that have taken place and show us the truth about Hell.&nbsp;</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Some of the chapters include:</span></p>\n<ul>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\" aria-level=\"1\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The Manifestations of Hell (Chapter II)</span></li>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\" aria-level=\"1\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The Awakening of the Ungodly Soul in Hell (Chapter V)</span></li>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\" aria-level=\"1\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">A Salutary Fear of Hell (Chapter VIII)</span></li>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\" aria-level=\"1\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The Thought of Hell (Chapter IX)</span></li>\n</ul>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">By understanding Hell, we can understand what sin actually does to our souls. This book should instill the fear of sin in you as it reveals the consequences of sin to their fullest extent. However, the ultimate purpose of </span><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><strong>The Dogma of Hell</strong> </span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">is not to frighten, but to save from an eternity of separation from God and prepare for eternal happiness with Him.&nbsp;</span></p>\n<p><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&ldquo;When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne,&nbsp;and all the nations&nbsp;will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the king will say to those on his right, &lsquo;</span></em><strong><em>Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.</em></strong><em>'</em><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&rdquo;</span></em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\"> (Matthew 25:31-34)</span></p>","tags":[],"warranty":"","price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$12.95","value":12.95,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax"},"height":"7.00","detail_messages":"","availability":"","page_title":"The Dogma of Hell: Illustrated by Facts Taken From Profane and Sacred History","cart_url":"","max_purchase_quantity":0,"mpn":null,"upc":"9780895559005","options":[{"id":5233,"type":"Configurable_PickList_Set","display_name":"Format","required":true,"state":"variant_option","partial":"set-rectangle","condition":true,"values":[{"id":10329,"label":"Paperbound","selected":true,"data":"Paperbound"},{"id":10331,"label":"eBook","selected":false,"data":"eBook"},{"id":10333,"label":"MP3 Audio Download","selected":false,"data":"MP3 Audio Download"}]}],"related_products":[{"id":1998,"sku":"TE2747","name":"The Dogma of Hell (eBook)","url":"","availability":"","rating":5,"brand":null,"category":["Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks"],"summary":"“The Dogma of Hell is the most terrible truth of our faith. 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In a good way!","text":"This is the book that inspired me to drop a lot of my sinful habits and amusements. This book inspired great change in my life and I am so thankful to have read it. It might look intimidating because of the cover photo, thats because it covers a pretty daunting topic. \n\nIts a scary read because it has verifiable stories about apparitions of the damned and of the like. But its a great book because it tells catholics what they need to hear. It doesnt make you live in fear but it does give you a healthy fear of God which I believe the world has lost.\n\nIf you are stuck in your sinful ways and habits that you find hard to leave behind I highly encourage you to read this book, it will make it so easy to leave them behind. AMAZING BOOK!!","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"ROBERT O.","rating":"5","title":"Enjoyable and fun read for","text":"Enjoyable and fun read for all.","date":"Apr 8th 2023"},{"name":"Philip K.","rating":"5","title":"Great Book!","text":"More people need to know the eternal truth that Hell is real and souls do go there as Our Lady of Fatima said! Sadly/pathetically, very few Catholic priests and bishops preach on this, which is a disaster.\n\nI wish this book costed $1 dollar each to order in massive bulk.","date":"Sep 13th 2022"},{"name":"Jim C.","rating":"5","title":"It&#039;s OK","text":"It&#039;s OK","date":"Aug 22nd 2022"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"Suffering,Catholic Doctrine,Salvation","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"The Dogma of Hell: Illustrated by Facts Taken From Profane and Sacred History","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/2227/879/879__26600.1675951639.jpg?c=1","alt":"The Dogma of Hell: Illustrated by Facts Taken From Profane and Sacred History"}],"width":"4.25"}

The Dogma of Hell: Illustrated by Facts Taken From Profane and Sacred History

(14 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/Tradition/Contra Mundi","Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks","Books/General /TAN Essentials","St. Benedict's Feast Day Sale"]

“The Dogma of Hell is the most terrible truth of our faith. There is a Hell. We are as sure of it as of the existence of God, the existence of the sun. Nothing in fact, is more clearly revealed than the Dogma of Hell.” 

—Fr. François Xavier Schouppe, S.J.

Many people have contemplated the joys of Heaven, but few Catholics take the dogma of Hell as seriously as they should.

Hell is certainly not a topic to be taken lightly, and renowned French theologian Fr. Schouppe, S.J., gives the topic the thoroughness it deserves. Detachment from sin is difficult, but his explanations of the Church’s teachings on Hell show you why it is so important. 

Hell, the necessary consequence of sin, demonstrates the horror of sin and what it does to our souls. 

If you can begin to understand the terror of Hell, then you can also begin to free yourself from sinful habits. 

In brief and easy-to-read chapters, Fr. Schouppe describes the dogma of the Catholic Church, as well as apparitions of the dammed and other real events that have taken place and show us the truth about Hell. 

Some of the chapters include:

  • The Manifestations of Hell (Chapter II)
  • The Awakening of the Ungodly Soul in Hell (Chapter V)
  • A Salutary Fear of Hell (Chapter VIII)
  • The Thought of Hell (Chapter IX)

By understanding Hell, we can understand what sin actually does to our souls. This book should instill the fear of sin in you as it reveals the consequences of sin to their fullest extent. However, the ultimate purpose of The Dogma of Hell is not to frighten, but to save from an eternity of separation from God and prepare for eternal happiness with Him. 

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne, and all the nations will be assembled before him. And he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.' (Matthew 25:31-34)

Fr. F. X. Schouppe, SJ
TAN Books
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14 Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Dogma of Hell on Sep 25th 2023

    Excellent book

  • 5
    Scared me straight! In a good way!

    Posted by johnny on May 24th 2023

    This is the book that inspired me to drop a lot of my sinful habits and amusements. This book inspir…

    Read More
  • 5
    Enjoyable and fun read for

    Posted by ROBERT O. on Apr 8th 2023

    Enjoyable and fun read for all.

  • 5
    Great Book!

    Posted by Philip K. on Sep 13th 2022

    More people need to know the eternal truth that Hell is real and souls do go there as Our Lady of Fa…

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  • 5
    It's OK

    Posted by Jim C. on Aug 22nd 2022

    It's OK