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","date":"Apr 25th 2024"},{"name":"ABouck","rating":"5","title":"Phenomenal compilation","text":"I have a little notebook of a few good prayers that have really affected me during mass, confession, communion, etc. I have been carrying it around and updating it as I learn new things. I saw this book and decided to try it... It has almost every single one of the prayers I&#039;ve already written in my notebook, many more beautiful prayers, and amazingly, it has a space to write more prayers. I love the quality of this little leatherette, the size is perfect for a companion book. A+","date":"Apr 25th 2024"},{"name":"Sam Mistretta","rating":"5","title":"I love the Mass &amp; Adoration Companion","text":"This is my favorite prayer book. I bring it to every Mass that I attend. I love the preparation prayers and prayers after receiving the Blessed Sacrament. I always have it with me for Eucharistic Adoration. It has brought be closer to Jesus Christ. I highly recommend it. ","date":"Apr 25th 2024"},{"name":"L. DePoe","rating":"5","title":"Mass and adoration ","text":"Great book. I enjoy flipping through the pages. I already have some favorites I enjoy reflecting on. This is a great prayer book.","date":"Apr 24th 2024"},{"name":"Paola Vassallo","rating":"5","title":"Love it! I already used it at Adoration.","text":"I am so happy I found this little book. I love all the prayers and used it during Adoration this week. I also plan to share some of the prayers when I tale Communion to the home bound. I think some of the prayers I read can be very uplifting to them. Thank you again and God bless!","date":"Apr 24th 2024"},{"name":"Stuart ","rating":"4","title":" MASS &amp; ADORATION COMPANION","text":"thank you well done","date":"Apr 24th 2024"},{"name":"John Markham","rating":"5","title":"Prayer book for adoration","text":"Excellent book of prayers. I will use this for the rest of my life. My companion during adoration. Some times a scripted prayer is able to express a feeling between you and Christ that in your personal conversation you’re just not finding.","date":"Apr 24th 2024"},{"name":"Sharon J Hare","rating":"4","title":"Mass &amp; Adoration Companion","text":"I love this book... it is just what I wanted in so many ways. My only wish is that it also had the prayers of the Mass included. I appreciate the personal prayers at Mass included, but as an older person, I like to follow along with the Mass prayers, so I need to carry a 2nd book along for that purpose. I do, however, love the prayers before Mass, after Communion and the Adoration prayers!\r\nThank you!","date":"Apr 23rd 2024"},{"name":"Mary Audio","rating":"5","title":"Mass and Adoration Companion","text":"I ordered myself one . I really love it! I enjoy reading it at Adoration especially. I bought one for my son and he said the Mass is more meaningful for him now. I’m so glad I bought it. Well worth it.","date":"Apr 22nd 2024"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"","show_quantity_input":1,"AddThisServiceButtonMeta":"","videos":{"list":[{"id":"r87Hc_EpnxA","title_short":"Mass and Adora...","title_long":"Mass and Adoration Companion Trailer (TAN Books)","description_long":"Mass & Adoration Companion\nVinny Flynn and Erin Flynn\n\nNoted Catholic author Vinny Flynn and his daughter Erin have designed what is destined to become a much-loved companion volume for Mass and Adoration. Combining the best of tradition and modernity, this beautiful, deluxe volume has:\n\n• beautiful versions of both ancient and modern prayers\n• brief explanatory notes to guide you through the different parts of the Mass\n• entire section of prayers for Adoration\n• space to make personal notations and add your own personal favorite prayers\n\nPurchase at today!","description_short":"Mass & Adoration Companion\nVinny Flynn and Erin Flynn\n\nNoted C...","length":"00:31"}],"featured":{"id":"r87Hc_EpnxA","title_short":"Mass and Adora...","title_long":"Mass and Adoration Companion Trailer (TAN Books)","description_long":"Mass & Adoration Companion\nVinny Flynn and Erin Flynn\n\nNoted Catholic author Vinny Flynn and his daughter Erin have designed what is destined to become a much-loved companion volume for Mass and Adoration. 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Mass & Adoration Companion

(35 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/Occasions /Eucharist","Books/Tradition/The Mass"]

Noted Catholic author Vinny Flynn and his daughter Erin have designed what is destined to become a much-loved companion volume for Mass and Adoration. Combining the best of tradition and modernity, this beautiful, deluxe volume will help you enter into the prayers of the Mass more fully and, thus, derive more benefit not only from the Holy Sacrifice, but from your Holy Hours before the Blessed Sacrament and your personal prayer time as well. This durable book includes:

•  beautiful versions of both ancient and modern prayers
•  brief explanatory notes to guide you through the different parts of the Mass
•  entire section of prayers for Adoration
•  space to make personal notations and add your own personal favorite prayers

Mass and Adoration Companion will help you develop your own unique way of conversing with God, so that Adoration and other prayer times will become completely centered on the loving and personal gift of the Presence of God, and so that the Mass will never again be just an hour-long event, but an inspiration and an aid to living a Eucharistic spirituality that will change your life.

Vinny Flynn
TAN Books
Publication Date:
Erin Flynn

35 Reviews

  • 5
    Mass and Adoration Companion

    Posted by Ana Schlosser on Apr 25th 2024

    This little book is a Gem. Such beautiful prayers and your Heart and Soul is set gunfire. You just f…

    Read More
  • 5
    Phenomenal compilation

    Posted by ABouck on Apr 25th 2024

    I have a little notebook of a few good prayers that have really affected me during mass, confession,…

    Read More
  • 5
    I love the Mass & Adoration Companion

    Posted by Sam Mistretta on Apr 25th 2024

    This is my favorite prayer book. I bring it to every Mass that I attend. I love the preparation pr…

    Read More
  • 5
    Mass and adoration

    Posted by L. DePoe on Apr 24th 2024

    Great book. I enjoy flipping through the pages. I already have some favorites I enjoy reflecting on.…

    Read More
  • 5
    Love it! I already used it at Adoration.

    Posted by Paola Vassallo on Apr 24th 2024

    I am so happy I found this little book. I love all the prayers and used it during Adoration this we…

    Read More
  • 4

    Posted by Stuart on Apr 24th 2024

    thank you well done

  • 5
    Prayer book for adoration

    Posted by John Markham on Apr 24th 2024

    Excellent book of prayers. I will use this for the rest of my life. My companion during adoration. S…

    Read More
  • 4
    Mass & Adoration Companion

    Posted by Sharon J Hare on Apr 23rd 2024

    I love this book... it is just what I wanted in so many ways. My only wish is that it also had the p…

    Read More
  • 5
    Mass and Adoration Companion

    Posted by Mary Audio on Apr 22nd 2024

    I ordered myself one . I really love it! I enjoy reading it at Adoration especially. I bought one fo…

    Read More

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