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In this first volume of the four-part series read:</p>\n<ul>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><span></span>&ldquo;The Best Deed&rdquo;&mdash;A class of Confirmation students is challenged to find a remarkable deed to perform within the next week. To try and win the prize statue, one girl decides to give up candy, but her encounters with a dying man at her father&rsquo;s hospital allow her to perform the most remarkable deed of all: helping another earn his salvation.</li>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><span></span>&ldquo;The Wreath of Flowers&rdquo;&mdash;Angelo&rsquo;s devotion to the rosary helps himself and others, both physically and spiritually, throughout his whole life.</li>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><span></span>&ldquo;Pedro of the Water Jars&rdquo;&mdash;As an explorer with Christopher Columbus in 1492, young Pedro journeys to the New World to find a new home.</li>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><span></span>&ldquo;The Little Dove of Our Lady&rdquo;&mdash;This story tells about the childhood of St. Catherine Labour&eacute;.</li>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><span></span>&ldquo;The Great Gift of Our Lady&rdquo;&mdash;Continuing from the previous tale, \"The Great Gift of Our Lady\" tells about St. Catherine when she is a fully professed nun.</li>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\"><span></span>&ldquo;Black Robe&rdquo;&mdash;See the dangers St. Isaac Jogues bravely faces to save souls in the wilderness.</li>\n</ul>\n<p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Written to be read aloud for the entire family&rsquo;s entertainment, <em><strong>Catholic Stories for Boys &amp; Girls</strong></em><span>&nbsp;</span>offers four volumes, each holding a handful of happy and courageous stories, compiled and written by Catholic nuns in the 1930's<em>. <strong>Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls</strong></em><span>&nbsp;</span>appeals to the whole family by using simple vocabulary to engage children but also providing well-developed plots to captivate adults&rsquo; interest.</p>\n<p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Each story highlights a different virtue, and, to reinforce the virtue, every chapter closes with a two-line rhyming verse that provides both a chapter summary and a pithy message, all underlining the books&rsquo; main theme&mdash;the Church gives life to the soul through grace. Excellent when read by children, and even better when read to children by parents and older siblings, these timeless stories show the reward of virtue by the wondrous events that occur when one is generous with God.</p>\n<p style=\"font-weight: 400;\">As taken from the front cover of the book, the stories herein are republished in the hope that in a small way the Faith, Culture, and Tradition of the Holy Catholic Church may be preserved for our most prized possession, our children.<br /><br />Our prayer for these books is the same as Baltimore&rsquo;s first Archbishop, the Most Reverend Michael J. Curley, prayed when these books were first published:<br /><br />&ldquo;May our Divine Lord bless each boy and girl who reads these stories, as well as every one who helps to place them in their hands.&rdquo;</p>","tags":[],"warranty":"","price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$9.95","value":9.95,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax"},"detail_messages":"","availability":"","page_title":"","cart_url":"","max_purchase_quantity":0,"mpn":null,"upc":"9781505108040","options":[],"related_products":[{"id":3646,"sku":"3134-GROUPED","name":"Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls: Volume 1-4 (Student Workbook)","url":"","availability":"","rating":0,"brand":null,"category":["Lifelong Learning/TAN Homeschool/Shop by Product Line/Catholic Stories for Boys & Girls"],"summary":"TAN Books now offers these companion workbooks to help your child learn even more from the classic&nbsp;set of books,&nbsp;Catholic Stories for Boys &amp; Girls. 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Catholic Stories for Boys & Girls Volume 1 (eBook)

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["Lifelong Learning/TAN Homeschool/Shop by Grade/Kindergarten","Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks"]

NOTE: The eBook edition of this title is currently only available in MOBI (Kindle) format.

Begin your family’s reading adventures with Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls, Volume I! In this first volume of the four-part series read:

  • “The Best Deed”—A class of Confirmation students is challenged to find a remarkable deed to perform within the next week. To try and win the prize statue, one girl decides to give up candy, but her encounters with a dying man at her father’s hospital allow her to perform the most remarkable deed of all: helping another earn his salvation.
  • “The Wreath of Flowers”—Angelo’s devotion to the rosary helps himself and others, both physically and spiritually, throughout his whole life.
  • “Pedro of the Water Jars”—As an explorer with Christopher Columbus in 1492, young Pedro journeys to the New World to find a new home.
  • “The Little Dove of Our Lady”—This story tells about the childhood of St. Catherine Labouré.
  • “The Great Gift of Our Lady”—Continuing from the previous tale, "The Great Gift of Our Lady" tells about St. Catherine when she is a fully professed nun.
  • “Black Robe”—See the dangers St. Isaac Jogues bravely faces to save souls in the wilderness.

Written to be read aloud for the entire family’s entertainment, Catholic Stories for Boys & Girls offers four volumes, each holding a handful of happy and courageous stories, compiled and written by Catholic nuns in the 1930's. Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls appeals to the whole family by using simple vocabulary to engage children but also providing well-developed plots to captivate adults’ interest.

Each story highlights a different virtue, and, to reinforce the virtue, every chapter closes with a two-line rhyming verse that provides both a chapter summary and a pithy message, all underlining the books’ main theme—the Church gives life to the soul through grace. Excellent when read by children, and even better when read to children by parents and older siblings, these timeless stories show the reward of virtue by the wondrous events that occur when one is generous with God.

As taken from the front cover of the book, the stories herein are republished in the hope that in a small way the Faith, Culture, and Tradition of the Holy Catholic Church may be preserved for our most prized possession, our children.

Our prayer for these books is the same as Baltimore’s first Archbishop, the Most Reverend Michael J. Curley, prayed when these books were first published:

“May our Divine Lord bless each boy and girl who reads these stories, as well as every one who helps to place them in their hands.”

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