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Yet we know that none of us is really perfect and that few human beings die in a state of soul with all their past sins atoned for during life. Most people whose souls are saved, therefore, end up detained for a time in Purgatory. Some reports say that the passage of \"time\" (though they have passed out of time, in a fashion) in these souls' perception is slowed to a hundredth or less of what we on earth experience. Thus, the agony and languishing of the Poor Souls often seems almost interminable.</p>\n<p><strong><em>Stories about Purgatory and What They Reveal: 30 Days for the Holy Souls</em></strong> will impress upon your heart a healthy and holy respect for the sufferings endured by the Holy Souls, such that you will ever after remember them in your prayers and Masses. It will teach you also to strive to rectify your own life, that you may avoid Purgatory altogether&mdash;or at the very worst, spend very little \"time\" there before being united to God in Heaven. Belief in Purgatory is truly Catholic and consoling; it is a reality whose truth has been buttressed by many famous true stories, recorded here, of the sufferings undergone by the Poor Souls, plus their gratitude toward and wonderful aid for those who help them.</p>\n</div>","tags":[],"warranty":"","price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$16.95","value":16.95,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax"},"height":"8.50","detail_messages":"","availability":"","page_title":"Stories About Purgatory and What They Reveal: 30 Days for the Holy Souls","cart_url":"","max_purchase_quantity":0,"mpn":null,"upc":"9780895557995","options":[{"id":5135,"type":"Configurable_PickList_Set","display_name":"Format","required":true,"state":"variant_option","partial":"set-rectangle","condition":true,"values":[{"id":10117,"label":"Paperbound","selected":true,"data":"Paperbound"},{"id":10118,"label":"eBook","selected":false,"data":"eBook"},{"id":10119,"label":"MP3 Audio Download","selected":false,"data":"MP3 Audio Download"}]}],"related_products":[{"id":1378,"sku":"TE3334","name":"Stories About Purgatory and What They Reveal (eBook)","url":"","availability":"","rating":0,"brand":null,"category":["Books","Books/General ","Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks"],"summary":"Originally arranged as 30 Days for the Holy Souls, this book was written to engrave on the minds and hearts of its readers an indelible understanding of Purgatory: first, that it exists; second, that...","image":{"data":"{:size}/products/1378/2512/2512__75179.1666799893.jpg?c=1","alt":"Stories About Purgatory and What They Reveal (eBook)"},"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/1378/2512/2512__75179.1666799893.jpg?c=1","alt":"Stories About Purgatory and What They Reveal (eBook)"}],"date_added":"Jul 22nd 2020","pre_order":false,"show_cart_action":true,"has_options":false,"stock_level":null,"low_stock_level":null,"qty_in_cart":0,"custom_fields":[{"id":47821,"name":"Product Format","value":"eBook"},{"id":57957,"name":"SEARCH_IGNORE","value":"true"}],"num_reviews":0,"weight":{"formatted":"0.00 LBS","value":0},"demo":false,"add_to_cart_url":"","price":{"without_tax":{"currency":"USD","formatted":"$9.95","value":9.95},"tax_label":"Tax"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=1378"},{"id":3455,"sku":"TA5580","name":"Stories About Purgatory and What They Reveal (MP3 Audio Download)","url":"","availability":"","rating":0,"brand":null,"category":["Books","Books/General ","Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks"],"summary":"\nOriginally arranged as 30 Days for the Holy Souls, this book was written to engrave on the minds and hearts of its readers an indelible understanding of Purgatory: first, that it exists; second,...","image":{"data":"{:size}/products/3455/6999/6999__62975.1666799852.png?c=1","alt":"Stories About Purgatory and What They Reveal (MP3 Audio Download)"},"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/3455/6999/6999__62975.1666799852.png?c=1","alt":"Stories About Purgatory and What They Reveal (MP3 Audio Download)"}],"date_added":"Nov 9th 2021","pre_order":false,"show_cart_action":true,"has_options":false,"stock_level":null,"low_stock_level":null,"qty_in_cart":0,"custom_fields":[{"id":42300,"name":"Product Format","value":"Digital"},{"id":42312,"name":"File URL","value":"Stories-About-Purgatory-and-What-They-Reveal-(2of2).zip*Stories-About-Purgatory-and-What-They-Reveal-(1of2).zip"},{"id":58746,"name":"SEARCH_IGNORE","value":"true"}],"num_reviews":0,"weight":{"formatted":"0.00 LBS","value":0},"demo":false,"add_to_cart_url":"","price":{"without_tax":{"currency":"USD","formatted":"$19.95","value":19.95},"tax_label":"Tax"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=3455"},{"id":2582,"sku":"2337-GROUPED","name":"What the Saints Said About Heaven: 101 Holy Insights About Everlasting Life","url":"","availability":"","rating":0,"brand":null,"category":["Books","Books/Become a Saint/Lives of the Saints","Books/General "],"summary":"Everyone hopes to go to heaven, but what do we really know about it?There are thrilling promises in Scripture, but not an abundance of detail about the nature of heavenly existence. 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Also we never know if our loved ones went straight to Heaven. I am happy to pray for them and if they are already in Heaven my prayers will be used for another Soul that remains in Purgatory.","date":"May 27th 2024"},{"name":"Germain","rating":"5","title":"Praying for the Souls in Purgatory","text":"For those wishing to learn more about the Church Suffering, this is the book. A chapter a day during November (month of the holy souls) is an easy read. Note the novena in the book’s appendix. This text will energize your zeal for the holy souls. Highly recommended. ","date":"Mar 18th 2024"},{"name":"Larry Ball","rating":"4","title":"Scary","text":"A very scary book about getting ready for Heaven.","date":"Feb 23rd 2024"},{"rating":"5","title":"Essential reading","text":"Purgatory has been a subject I am finding myself drawn to more and more over the years. And as soon as I stumbled across this one, I knew it would be perfect to read over the month of November. \r\n\r\nThe description of this volume states:\r\n\r\n“This TAN Books edition of “Stories about Purgatory &amp; What They Reveal” by An Ursiline of Sligo, features the complete original text, along with a supplemental reading section entitled “What Will Hell Be Like?”. We’ve also included unique hand-selected classic artwork for the reader’s enjoyment, exclusive to this eBook edition of “Stories about Purgatory &amp; What They Reveal”.\r\n\r\nStories about Purgatory &amp; What They Reveal:\r\nThis book was written to impress upon its readers many truths about Purgatory -- first, that it exists; second, that the souls detained there suffer long and excruciating pains, and that they desperately need our prayers and sacrifices; and that we ourselves should strive mightily to avoid Purgatory. Confirms in the reader&#039;s heart a healthy and holy respect for the sufferings endured by the Holy Souls, such that he will always remember them in his prayers.\r\n\r\nWhat Will Hell Be Like?:\r\nSelections from St. Alphonsus&#039; writings. Covers virtually every aspect of Hell. Shows it exists, describes its torments, proves it is eternal, demonstrates it is not unjust and answers a host of questions. Best short antidote for today&#039;s irreligion that we know..”\r\n\r\nThe chapters and sections in this volume are:\r\n\r\nREQUIEM AETERNAM\r\nCONTENTS\r\n1. FIRST DAY—A Day of Fervent Prayer That Many Souls in Purgatory May Be Admitted To the Joys of Paradise\r\n2. SECOND DAY—A Day of Supplication for All the Faithful Departed\r\n3. THIRD DAY—A Day of Prayer for Those Who Suffer Most in Purgatory\r\n4. FOURTH DAY—A Day of Prayer for the Souls Longest in Purgatory\r\n5. FIFTH DAY—A Day of Prayer for Deceased Parents and Relatives\r\n6. SIXTH DAY—A Day of Prayer for Deceased Friends and Benefactors\r\n7. SEVENTH DAY—A Day of Prayer for Poor Souls Who Have None to Pray for Them\r\n8. EIGHTH DAY—A Day of Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory Who during Life Were Most Devoted to the Blessed Sacrament\r\n9. NINTH DAY—A Day of Prayer for the Souls In Purgatory Who during Life Were Most Devoted to Our Blessed Lady\r\n10. TENTH DAY—A Day of Prayer for the Souls In Purgatory Who during Life Were Most Devoted to St. Joseph\r\n11. ELEVENTH DAY—A Day of Prayer for vii All the Faithful Who Died during the Past Year ….\r\n12. TWELETH DAY—A Day of Prayer for Deceased Priests and Religious\r\n13. THIRTEENTH DAY—A Day of Prayer For Those Who While on Earth Were Most Fervent in Praying for the Souls in Purgatory\r\n14. FOURTEENTH DAY—A Day of Prayer For the Souls in Purgatory Who during Life Were Most Devoted to the Holy Angels\r\n15. FIFTEENTH DAY—A Day of Prayer for The Soul Who Is Richest in Merit\r\n16. SIXTEENTH DAY—A Day of Humility to Atone for Souls Suffering for Sins of Pride\r\n17. SEVENTEENTH DAY—A Day of Prayer For Souls Suffering for Sins of Anger and Impatience\r\n18. EIGHTEENTH DAY—A Day of Prayer for Souls Suffering for Sins of Intemperance\r\n19. NINETEENTH DAY—A Day of Charity To Atone for Souls Suffering for Sins against This Virtue\r\n20. TWENTIETH DAY—A Day of Prayer for Souls Suffering in Purgatory on Our Account\r\n21. TWENTY-FIRST DAY—A Day of Prayer For Souls Whom Our Blessed Lady Is Most Desirous to Have Released from Purgatory\r\n22. TWENTY-SECOND DAY—A Day of Prayer For the Souls in Purgatory Who Were Most Devoted to the Sacred Heart\r\n23. TWENTY-THIRD DAY—A Day of Prayer For Those Who Died Suddenly and without Preparation\r\n24. TWENTY-FOURTH DAY—A Day of Prayer For Souls Suffering for Sins of Detraction\r\n25. TWENTY-FIFTH DAY—A Day of Prayer for Souls Who while on Earth Were Most Devoted To the Sacred Passion\r\n26. TWENTY-SIXTH DAY—A Day of Prayer For Souls Suffering for Attachment to Earthly Things\r\n27. TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY—A Day of Prayer for Those Who Were Members of Pious Confraternities and Sodalities\r\n28. TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY—A Day of Fervor To Atone for Souls Suffering for Negligence in Spiritual Duties\r\n29. TWENTY-NINTH DAY—A Day of Prayer For Souls Nearest to Being Released\r\n30. THIRTIETH DAY—A Day of Prayer for All The Faithful Departed, Especially for Those Who Died during This Month\r\nAPPENDIX I: Prayers for the Souls in Purgatory\r\nAPPENDIX II: How to Gain a Plenary Indulgence\r\nAPPENDIX III: The Dies Irae\r\n\r\nSupplemental Reading:\r\nWhat Will Hell Be Like by Saint Alphonsus Liguori\r\n\r\nThe volume begins with this prayer:\r\n\r\n“REST ETERNAL GRANT THEM, LORD!\r\n\r\nTake we up the touching burden of\r\nNovember plaints,\r\nPleading for the Holy Souls,\r\nGod’s yet uncrowned Saints.\r\nStill unpaid to our departed\r\nis the debt we owe;\r\nStill unransomed, some are pining,\r\nsore oppressed with woe.\r\nFriends we loved and vowed to cherish\r\ncall us in their need:\r\nProve we now our love was real,\r\ntrue in word and deed.\r\n“Rest eternal grant them, Lord!”\r\nfull often let us pray—\r\n“Requiem aternam dona eis, Domine!””\r\n\r\nThis was an excellent volume to work through during November. Each day there are a few pages of readings; drawn from a wide range of sources, and spanning church history. The book is easy to engage with and one of great value. The collection of Prayers in the first appendix are a great resource. The prayers contained within it are:\r\n\r\nA Prayer For The Souls In Purgatory\r\nA Prayer For The Dead\r\nA Prayer For Our Dear Departed\r\nA Prayer For Deceased Parents\r\nOffering Of The Precious Blood\r\nA Prayer For The Poor Souls\r\nPrayer For The Poor Souls From The Canon Of The Mass\r\nA Prayer For A Deceased Priest\r\nA Prayer Addressed To The Poor Souls In Purgatory\r\nA Prayer For And To The Souls In Purgatory\r\nFor Our Deceased Servicemen\r\nEternal Rest\r\nPrayer Of St. Gertrude The Great\r\nA Novena For The Poor Souls\r\nPrayer For The Dying\r\nOur Father\r\nHail Mary\r\nGlory Be\r\n\r\nThis is an excellent resource and once I can easily recommend to any Catholic. It would be a great addition to a church, home, or school library. This is a book that will challenge and inspire readers. It will drive you to deeper prayer, and foster spiritual growth. An excellent book!","date":"Dec 14th 2023"},{"name":"Sharon Tanquary","rating":"5","title":"Powerful reminder to pray for the souls in Purgatory ","text":"It has changed the way I pray, the sacrifices I make. It’s clear how much the souls in Purgatory need our prayers…and how we’ll need theirs when our time comes. ","date":"Nov 25th 2023"},{"name":"bob duffy","rating":"3","title":"major problem: written over 120 years ago.","text":"info re indulgences no longer valid.","date":"Nov 16th 2023"},{"name":"Dave","rating":"4","title":"Purgatory","text":"Not what I expected, but very interesting reading.. Enjoying the book.","date":"Nov 8th 2023"},{"name":"Melissa Maraist","rating":"5","title":"Souls in Purgatory","text":"Beautifully written book about the Holy Souls! May we strive every day to pray and offer sacrifices for them!","date":"Nov 8th 2023"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"Death and suffering,All Souls,Prayer","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"Stories About Purgatory and What They Reveal: 30 Days for the Holy Souls","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/2944/1649/1649__76453.1675951632.jpg?c=1","alt":"Stories About Purgatory and What They Reveal: 30 Days for the Holy Souls"},{"data":"{:size}/products/2944/7817/7817__69317.1675951633.jpg?c=1","alt":"Stories About Purgatory and What They Reveal: 30 Days for the Holy Souls"}],"width":"5.50"}

Stories About Purgatory and What They Reveal: 30 Days for the Holy Souls

(14 reviews) Write a Review
["Books","Books/General ","Books/Become a Saint/Spiritual Warfare"]

Originally arranged as 30 Days for the Holy Souls, this book was written to engrave on the minds and hearts of its readers an indelible understanding of Purgatory: first, that it exists; second, that the souls detained there suffer long and excruciating pains, likely even of the same nature as those of Hell, and thus that they desperately need our prayers, sacrifices, and Mass intentions; and third, that while we are still living, we ourselves should strive mightily to avoid Purgatory.

We read in St. Matthew's Gospel, "Be ye therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). Yet we know that none of us is really perfect and that few human beings die in a state of soul with all their past sins atoned for during life. Most people whose souls are saved, therefore, end up detained for a time in Purgatory. Some reports say that the passage of "time" (though they have passed out of time, in a fashion) in these souls' perception is slowed to a hundredth or less of what we on earth experience. Thus, the agony and languishing of the Poor Souls often seems almost interminable.

Stories about Purgatory and What They Reveal: 30 Days for the Holy Souls will impress upon your heart a healthy and holy respect for the sufferings endured by the Holy Souls, such that you will ever after remember them in your prayers and Masses. It will teach you also to strive to rectify your own life, that you may avoid Purgatory altogether—or at the very worst, spend very little "time" there before being united to God in Heaven. Belief in Purgatory is truly Catholic and consoling; it is a reality whose truth has been buttressed by many famous true stories, recorded here, of the sufferings undergone by the Poor Souls, plus their gratitude toward and wonderful aid for those who help them.

Compiled by Various Sources:
An Ursuline Nun of Sligo, Ireland
TAN Books
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14 Reviews

  • 5

    Posted by Lisa Edkin on Jul 29th 2024

    I try to read all books about purgatory and this book does not disappoint , very informative

  • 5
    This book gives so much insight into why and how we must pray for the Souls in Purgatory

    Posted by Stories About Purgatory and What They Reveal on May 27th 2024

    I did not know the Souls in Purgatory could not pray for themselves but they can pray for us. Also w…

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  • 5
    Praying for the Souls in Purgatory

    Posted by Germain on Mar 18th 2024

    For those wishing to learn more about the Church Suffering, this is the book. A chapter a day during…

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  • 4

    Posted by Larry Ball on Feb 23rd 2024

    A very scary book about getting ready for Heaven.

  • 5
    Essential reading

    Posted by Unknown on Dec 14th 2023

    Purgatory has been a subject I am finding myself drawn to more and more over the years. And as soon …

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  • 5
    Powerful reminder to pray for the souls in Purgatory

    Posted by Sharon Tanquary on Nov 25th 2023

    It has changed the way I pray, the sacrifices I make. It’s clear how much the souls in Purgatory nee…

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  • 3
    major problem: written over 120 years ago.

    Posted by bob duffy on Nov 16th 2023

    info re indulgences no longer valid.

  • 4

    Posted by Dave on Nov 8th 2023

    Not what I expected, but very interesting reading.. Enjoying the book.

  • 5
    Souls in Purgatory

    Posted by Melissa Maraist on Nov 8th 2023

    Beautifully written book about the Holy Souls! May we strive every day to pray and offer sacrifices…

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