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Jeffrey Kirby, STD"},{"id":"51616","name":"Pdf","value":""},{"id":"57136","name":"Wistia Name","value":"Kingdom of Happiness"},{"id":"57137","name":"Wistia Hash","value":"iwafhah17l"},{"id":"57138","name":"Wistia Url","value":""}],"sku":"SK0305","description":"<p>We live in a fallen world. This reality has become clearer in the last several decades as the secular world has sought to eradicate all traces of God and conquer Christendom. While this larger battle is mostly out of our control, we can take comfort in the fact that we are called to reign in another kingdom and leave the slavery of this world behind.</p>\n<p>The best way to throw off the yoke of slavery this world seeks to bind us with is to live out the lessons Our Lord taught us in his Sermon on the Mount, most especially the Beatitudes. Sacred Scripture tells us that Christ &ldquo;turned the world upside down&rdquo; (Acts 17:6-7). He invites us to turn our won worlds upside down as well with the eight life-altering ways of living.</p>\n<p>At times, the Beatitudes may seem paradoxical. Why would we want to be poor or meek? Why would we want to mourn? Why would we want to show mercy or be a peacemaker when the world rewards ruthlessness, and pure when it celebrates immorality? Why would we hunger for righteousness when the world has so much else to feed us with? And why would we want to be persecuted?</p>\n<p>Yet Christ told us that those who live these ways of life would be blessed. This is what the word beatitude means &ndash; &ldquo;blessed&rdquo; &ndash; which also means &ldquo;happiness.&rdquo; If we have the courage to trust in his words and follow him, we will come to know what true happiness really is.</p>\n<p>Embark on this 8-session journey with Father Jeffrey Kirby, who will show you the path to the kingdom and give you the strength and wisdom to turn your world upside down.</p>\n<div class=\"powr-popup\">Author: Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, STD<br />Lecturer: Various<br />Lessons: 8 Lessons<br />Length: 27 minutes (avg)<br />Publication Date: 2020<br /><span>Leader Pack contains 1 Study Guide&nbsp;+</span><span style=\"font-family: verdana, sans-serif;\"><span>&nbsp;</span>1<span>&nbsp;Parish Streaming License (with no expiration)</span></span><br /><a href=\" 1.pdf\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Sample Lesson</a><br />Sample Video:</div>\n<p>\n<script src=\"\" async=\"\"></script>\n<script src=\"\" async=\"\"></script>\n</p>\n<p><span id=\"popover_preview_embed\" class=\"wistia_embed wistia_async_0v2sqfh33d container=popover_preview_embed popover=true popoverAnimateThumbnail=true\" style=\"display: inline-block; height: 300px; position: relative; width: 187px;\">&nbsp;</span></p>\n<p>\n<script src=\"\"></script>\n</p>","tags":[],"warranty":"","price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$149.95","value":149.95,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax"},"detail_messages":"","availability":"","page_title":"Kingdom of Happiness: Living the Beatitudes in Everyday Life (Group Study Edition)","cart_url":"","max_purchase_quantity":0,"mpn":null,"upc":"9781505110555","options":[{"id":4491,"type":"Configurable_PickList_Set","display_name":"Format","required":true,"state":"variant_option","partial":"set-rectangle","condition":true,"values":[{"id":8853,"label":"Leader Pack","selected":true,"data":"Leader Pack"},{"id":8854,"label":"Study Guide","selected":false,"data":"Study Guide"}]}],"related_products":[{"id":3000,"sku":"SB5902-GROUPED","name":"Kingdom of Happiness: Living the Beatitudes in Everyday Life","url":"","availability":"","rating":5,"brand":null,"category":["Books/General /Life & Family","Books/Become a Saint/Spiritual Direction"],"summary":"Escape the Kingdom of Man\nIn this encouraging, easy-to-read book, Father Jeffrey Kirby offers hope to the tired, overburdened, and unhappy. 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When I looked into the titles available from the pen of Father Kirby, there were several from TAN books that caught my attention. In fact 7 of his books made it onto my wish list almost immediately. This was the first I have read but it will not be the last! My understanding is that there is a study series that can go along with this book, with a guide and DVD’s. As much as I enjoyed reading this book, it would have been even better with a group. The end of the description of this volume states:\r\n\r\n“Kingdom of Happiness shows that the Beatitudes are not a self-help guide or a boring list of eight more things to do, but are a series of grace-filled, life-giving promises that excite our souls and point us along a way of life that assures us of true, lasting happiness.”\r\n\r\nThe chapters in this volume are:\r\n\r\nA Note to the Reader\r\nIntroduction: The Choice Between Two Kingdoms\r\nPoor in Spirit\r\nThose Who Mourn\r\nThe Meek\r\nThose Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness\r\nThe Merciful\r\nPure in Heart\r\nThe Peacemakers\r\nThe Persecuted\r\nBibliography\r\n\r\nIn the first section, A Note to the Reader Kirby highlights several points:\r\n\r\n“First Step\r\nThank you for picking up this book! As you open it, you’ve already taken the hardest step along a path that could lead you to true happiness. Here’s some more good news:”\r\n\r\nSo of the sections that follow are: \r\n\r\n •You’re not alone.\r\n •There’s a way out of misery.\r\n •Happiness is a decision.\r\n •Someone else does the heavy lifting.\r\n •Happiness is a kingdom.\r\n •The kingdom of happiness can be seen.\r\n \r\nAnd it concludes with:\r\n\r\n“A Second Step\r\nAs you started reading this book, I mentioned that you’ve already taken the hardest step along a path that could lead you to true happiness. Therefore, I’d like to ask you to take a second step and continue reading this book so that you might encounter the kingdom of happiness described through the Beatitudes. As you begin to see this kingdom sitting on the horizon, remember that citizenship within its walls is available right now. You are welcome at all times.\r\nThe choice is yours. Will you choose happiness?”\r\n\r\nFrom there we have a wonderfully written volume. A book any Catholic, nay any Christian could benefit from reading. Looking at the beatitudes and their opposites Father Kirby navigates us through Christian spirituality. A path that has been handed down. And one that we desperately need these days. \r\n\r\nThis is a book that can be read again and again, and each time we will be blessed and benefit from it in a new or deeper way. The writing of Father Kirby is easily accessible. Anyone with a high school education could read this book and engage fully with the text. In fact it would be a great book for a high school group or collage age students to worth through together. It is a book that can have a strong and lasting impact on readers. \r\n\r\nChrist promised in John 10:10 “For the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I am come that they might have life and have it abundantly.” This book is a volume that will help you learn to live that abundant life. By learning to live the beatitudes. It is an excellent volume that I cannot recommend enough. But the book does not offer quick fixes or easy answers. We will need to read, and apply and put in the work. There will be time and effort involved in learning to live the beatitudes out in our daily lives. But it will be worth it here and in the life to come.\r\n\r\nIt might have been my first book by Father Kirby but it will not be my last!","date":"Dec 26th 2023"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"Beatitudes,Spiritual growth,Salvation","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"Kingdom of Happiness: Living the Beatitudes in Everyday Life (Group Study Edition)","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/2434/10490/SK0305__34426.1704823696.jpg?c=1","alt":"Kingdom of Happiness: Living the Beatitudes in Everyday Life (Group Study Edition)"}]}

Kingdom of Happiness: Living the Beatitudes in Everyday Life (Group Study Edition)

(1 review) Write a Review
["Lifelong Learning/Programs/Kingdom of Happiness","Lifelong Learning/Programs"]

We live in a fallen world. This reality has become clearer in the last several decades as the secular world has sought to eradicate all traces of God and conquer Christendom. While this larger battle is mostly out of our control, we can take comfort in the fact that we are called to reign in another kingdom and leave the slavery of this world behind.

The best way to throw off the yoke of slavery this world seeks to bind us with is to live out the lessons Our Lord taught us in his Sermon on the Mount, most especially the Beatitudes. Sacred Scripture tells us that Christ “turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6-7). He invites us to turn our won worlds upside down as well with the eight life-altering ways of living.

At times, the Beatitudes may seem paradoxical. Why would we want to be poor or meek? Why would we want to mourn? Why would we want to show mercy or be a peacemaker when the world rewards ruthlessness, and pure when it celebrates immorality? Why would we hunger for righteousness when the world has so much else to feed us with? And why would we want to be persecuted?

Yet Christ told us that those who live these ways of life would be blessed. This is what the word beatitude means – “blessed” – which also means “happiness.” If we have the courage to trust in his words and follow him, we will come to know what true happiness really is.

Embark on this 8-session journey with Father Jeffrey Kirby, who will show you the path to the kingdom and give you the strength and wisdom to turn your world upside down.

Author: Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, STD
Lecturer: Various
Lessons: 8 Lessons
Length: 27 minutes (avg)
Publication Date: 2020
Leader Pack contains 1 Study Guide + 1 Parish Streaming License (with no expiration)
Sample Lesson
Sample Video:


Publication Date:
November 2017
Saint Benedict Press
Product Format:
Fr. Jeffrey Kirby, STD

1 Review

  • 5
    Excellent resource.

    Posted by Steven McEvoy on Dec 26th 2023

    I picked this book up after reading and reviewing several by Father Paul O’Sullivan O.P., it was rec…

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