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{"num_reviews":14,"url":"","add_this":[{"service":"","annotation":""}],"gtin":null,"id":"1261","can_purchase":true,"meta_description":"Read An Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales, a Catholic book from TAN","category":["Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks","Books/General /TAN Essentials","Books/Become a Saint/TAN Classics","St. Benedict's Feast Day Sale","TAN Essentials Sale","Our Lady of the Rosary Sale"],"AddThisServiceButtonMeta":"","main_image":{"data":"{:size}/products/1261/1926/1926__84567.1675951632.jpg?c=1","alt":"An Introduction to the Devout Life"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=1261","custom_fields":[{"id":"55018","name":"Author","value":"St. Francis de Sales"},{"id":"55019","name":"Imprint","value":"TAN Books"},{"id":"55020","name":"Pages","value":"360"},{"id":"55021","name":"Publication Date","value":"7/1/1994"},{"id":"55022","name":"Product Format","value":"Paperbound"},{"id":"55023","name":"Pdf","value":""}],"sku":"TC1253","description":"<p><em><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&ldquo;You aim at true devotion, my dear Philothea, because, as a Christian, you know how acceptable it is to the Divine Majesty. But inasmuch as trifling errors at the outset of any undertaking are wont to increase rapidly as we advance, frequently becoming almost irreparable, it is needful that, first of all, you should ascertain wherein lies the virtue of devotion.&rdquo;</span></em></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&mdash;St. Francis de Sales</span></p>\n<p><strong>Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but how many of us actually know how to get there?</strong><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">&nbsp;</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Learn from the writings of St. Francis de Sales, the Doctor of Charity, on this very matter in his work that specifically addresses this most important question. The knowledgeable and holy Doctor of the Church writes in a way that is at once easy to read and suited to all readers, yet thorough, authoritative, reliable, kind, and gentle. He guides us to the knowledge that we are all called to the devout life. True devotion to God, as St. Francis de Sales points out, adorns every vocation. Additionally, St. Francis will explain that the devout life is a choice worthy for its own sake: &ldquo;And our blessed Lord Himself assure[s] us that a devout life is a lovely, a pleasant, and a happy life.&rdquo;</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Addressed as a personal letter to Philothea (which means &ldquo;lover of God&rdquo;) this book covers all the parts of a devout life:</span></p>\n<ul>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\" aria-level=\"1\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Our desire to lead a devout life&nbsp;</span></li>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\" aria-level=\"1\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Our full resolution to do so</span></li>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\" aria-level=\"1\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">How we should approach God in prayer and the Sacraments</span></li>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\" aria-level=\"1\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">The practice of 16 important virtues</span></li>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\" aria-level=\"1\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">Remedies against ordinary temptations</span></li>\n<li style=\"font-weight: 400;\" aria-level=\"1\"><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">And confirmation in our practice of devotion</span></li>\n</ul>\n<p><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">With this beautiful copy of the </span><strong><em>Introduction to the Devout Life </em></strong><span style=\"font-weight: 400;\">from TAN Books's Catholic Classics Series, you will be prepared for any struggle in your life. </span><strong>From minor everyday worries to the larger concerns of your vocation and your Christian duties, St. Francis de Sales&rsquo;s perennial work will be your guide to sainthood.&nbsp;</strong></p>","tags":[],"warranty":"","price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$19.95","value":19.95,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax"},"height":"8.50","detail_messages":"","availability":"","page_title":"An Introduction to the Devout Life","cart_url":"","max_purchase_quantity":0,"mpn":null,"upc":"9780895552280","options":[{"id":5140,"type":"Configurable_PickList_Set","display_name":"Format","required":true,"state":"variant_option","partial":"set-rectangle","condition":true,"values":[{"id":10126,"label":"Paperbound","selected":true,"data":"Paperbound"},{"id":10127,"label":"eBook","selected":false,"data":"eBook"},{"id":10128,"label":"MP3 Audio Download","selected":false,"data":"MP3 Audio Download"}]}],"related_products":[{"id":3886,"sku":"MD319D-GROUPED","name":"An Introduction to the Devout Life: Philothea (Deluxe Edition)","url":"","availability":"","rating":5,"brand":null,"category":["Books/Become a Saint/TAN Classics"],"summary":"“You aim at true devotion, my dear Philothea, because, as a Christian, you know how acceptable it is to the Divine Majesty. 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Helpful with spiritual growth.","date":"Feb 13th 2024"},{"name":"MATTHEW PUTNAM","rating":"5","title":"Very good","text":"This book has lots of good, actionable advice","date":"Oct 4th 2023"},{"name":"Anna Rögnvaldsdóttir ","rating":"5","title":"A very edifying book. Leads one closer to God! ","text":"I am looking forward to read the whole book. ","date":"Sep 26th 2023"},{"name":"Ed T.","rating":"5","title":"introduction to the devout life","text":"One of the best books to begin your Catholic prayer life after confirmation. Teaches daily prayer and meditation. Mystical contemplation is not the prerogative of the Saints it is for every Catholic who wants to advance in the spiritual life - in other words all Catholics. Every Catholic should read it.","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"Luke S.","rating":"5","title":"A Gorgeous Introduction to Deeper Spirituality","text":"This edition of St. Francis de Sales &quot;An Introduction to the Devout Life&quot; is a beautiful book to hold in one;s hand and learn more deeply how we can express our love to the ever perfect Jesus Christ. De Sales very thoroughly goes through the main questions we should all be asking: how to engage in mental prayer? how to disavow our selves from habitual venial sin? the purpose of the Mass and how to pray it? how to make a worthy confession? and how to make a worthy examination of conscience? Not only does this guide to devotional life read very clearly by giving succinct advice on the answers to these questions but De Sales gives us essentially an amazing devotional book in his prayerful writing. I am very pleased with this purchase from TAN as it is a gorgeous book to look at on a material level and holds amazing spiritual insights within.","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"Tanner","rating":"5","title":"Amazing","text":"An amazing (and very in-depth) book. Would wholeheartedly recommend!","date":"May 24th 2023"},{"name":"KATHERINE B.","rating":"5","title":"Wonderful book!","text":"I am only a little bit into this book, but I love what Ive read so far. St. Francis de Sales was a beautiful writer and what I read stays with me all day, providing gems to ponder. This is a book I dont want to rush. I want to take my time with it so I can apply what Im learning. I highly recommend!","date":"Oct 31st 2022"},{"name":"JOANNE K.","rating":"5","title":"Wonderful book","text":"I&#039;m excited to begin reading this one!","date":"Oct 22nd 2022"},{"name":"PAT G.","rating":"5","title":"Great book","text":"Great book","date":"Oct 17th 2022"}]},"bulk_discount_rates":[],"meta_keywords":"Philothea,Lover of God,Spiritual Direction","show_quantity_input":1,"title":"An Introduction to the Devout Life","gift_wrapping_available":false,"min_purchase_quantity":0,"customizations":[],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/1261/1926/1926__84567.1675951632.jpg?c=1","alt":"An Introduction to the Devout Life"},{"data":"{:size}/products/1261/1929/1929__08477.1675951633.jpg?c=1","alt":"An Introduction to the Devout Life"}],"width":"5.50"}

An Introduction to the Devout Life

(14 reviews) Write a Review
["Books/General /eBooks & Audiobooks","Books/General /TAN Essentials","Books/Become a Saint/TAN Classics","St. Benedict's Feast Day Sale","TAN Essentials Sale","Our Lady of the Rosary Sale"]

“You aim at true devotion, my dear Philothea, because, as a Christian, you know how acceptable it is to the Divine Majesty. But inasmuch as trifling errors at the outset of any undertaking are wont to increase rapidly as we advance, frequently becoming almost irreparable, it is needful that, first of all, you should ascertain wherein lies the virtue of devotion.”

—St. Francis de Sales

Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but how many of us actually know how to get there? 

Learn from the writings of St. Francis de Sales, the Doctor of Charity, on this very matter in his work that specifically addresses this most important question. The knowledgeable and holy Doctor of the Church writes in a way that is at once easy to read and suited to all readers, yet thorough, authoritative, reliable, kind, and gentle. He guides us to the knowledge that we are all called to the devout life. True devotion to God, as St. Francis de Sales points out, adorns every vocation. Additionally, St. Francis will explain that the devout life is a choice worthy for its own sake: “And our blessed Lord Himself assure[s] us that a devout life is a lovely, a pleasant, and a happy life.”

Addressed as a personal letter to Philothea (which means “lover of God”) this book covers all the parts of a devout life:

  • Our desire to lead a devout life 
  • Our full resolution to do so
  • How we should approach God in prayer and the Sacraments
  • The practice of 16 important virtues
  • Remedies against ordinary temptations
  • And confirmation in our practice of devotion

With this beautiful copy of the Introduction to the Devout Life from TAN Books's Catholic Classics Series, you will be prepared for any struggle in your life. From minor everyday worries to the larger concerns of your vocation and your Christian duties, St. Francis de Sales’s perennial work will be your guide to sainthood. 

St. Francis de Sales
TAN Books
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14 Reviews

  • 5
    An Introduction to the Deout Life

    Posted by Sylvan Gilliland on Feb 13th 2024

    Very readable and understandable. Helpful with spiritual growth.

  • 5
    Very good

    Posted by MATTHEW PUTNAM on Oct 4th 2023

    This book has lots of good, actionable advice

  • 5
    A very edifying book. Leads one closer to God!

    Posted by Anna Rögnvaldsdóttir on Sep 26th 2023

    I am looking forward to read the whole book.

  • 5
    introduction to the devout life

    Posted by Ed T. on May 24th 2023

    One of the best books to begin your Catholic prayer life after confirmation. Teaches daily prayer an…

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  • 5
    A Gorgeous Introduction to Deeper Spirituality

    Posted by Luke S. on May 24th 2023

    This edition of St. Francis de Sales "An Introduction to the Devout Life" is a beautiful b…

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  • 5

    Posted by Tanner on May 24th 2023

    An amazing (and very in-depth) book. Would wholeheartedly recommend!

  • 5
    Wonderful book!

    Posted by KATHERINE B. on Oct 31st 2022

    I am only a little bit into this book, but I love what Ive read so far. St. Francis de Sales was a b…

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  • 5
    Wonderful book

    Posted by JOANNE K. on Oct 22nd 2022

    I'm excited to begin reading this one!

  • 5
    Great book

    Posted by PAT G. on Oct 17th 2022

    Great book