
Sr. Marie Helene Mohr, SC

Sr. Marie Helene Mohr, SC

Sr. Marie Helene Mohr, SC

Sister Marie Helene Mohr, S.C., was a nun and author of the twentieth century. A reference librarian for Pennsylvania's Seton Hill College, her Saint Philomena: Powerful with God includes a comprehensive narration of the saint's miracles, intercessions, and cures, all of which serve to inspire an earnest devotion in the heart of the reader. Sister Mohr's work was originally published in 1953 by the Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee, with the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur. It was also printed by TAN in 1988 with additional material.

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Saint Philomena: Powerful with God

SKU: 211-GROUPED ISBN: 9780895553324

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