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Fr. Joseph Sicardo, OSA

Fr. Joseph Sicardo, OSA

Fr. Joseph Sicardo, OSA

Also known as José Sicardo. Fr. Joseph Sicardo, OSA, was a Spanish priest and author of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. His biography of St. Rita of Cascia: Saint of the Impossible was originally published in 1916 by D. B. Hansen and Sons, Chicago. Additionally, the work was translated by Fr. Dan J. Murphy, and is firmly based on the historical facts of the saint's life, as intended by the author. Father Sicardo's work was retypeset and reprinted by TAN Books in 1990, and also received the Cum Permissu Superiorum, Nihil Obstat, and Imprimatur upon publication

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Saint Rita of Cascia: Saint of the Impossible

SKU: 1119-GROUPED ISBN: 9780895554079