
Fr. Francis J. Finn, SJ

Fr. Francis J. Finn, SJ

Fr. Francis J. Finn, SJ

Father Francis Finn SJ was an early 20th-century Jesuit priest who wrote delightful children's stories about life in Jesuit boarding schools. Taken from his years of experience teaching Catholic boys, Father Finn writes about various human personalities with warmth and humor that makes for enjoyable reading for all types. He has been called the "Catholic Horatio Alger". He wrote a series of 27 popular novels for young people, which contain likeable characters and adventure, and emphasize the important of prayer and keeping true to your faith values.

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Fr. Finn's Series (Set of 3)

SKU: 1804-GROUPED ISBN: 9780895554956

Ethelred Preston: Or the Adventures of a Newcomer

SKU: 1803-GROUPED ISBN: 9780895557148

Harry Dee: Or Working It Out

SKU: 1757-GROUPED ISBN: 9780895556721

That Football Game: And What Came of It

SKU: 1802-GROUPED ISBN: 9780895557131

Claude Lightfoot: Or How the Problem Was Solved

SKU: 1801-GROUPED ISBN: 9780895557124

Tom Playfair: Or Making a Start

SKU: 1755-GROUPED ISBN: 9780895556707