
Emily Stimpson Chapman

Emily Stimpson Chapman

Emily Stimpson Chapman

Emily Stimpson Chapman is a freelance Catholic writer based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the author of numerous books, including, "The Catholic Table: Finding Joy Where Food and Faith Meet," "These Beautiful Bones: An Everyday Theology of the Body," "The American Catholic Almanac," and "The

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Formed in Christ: Christ Alive in Us

SKU: 2970-GROUPED ISBN: 9781505119442

Formed in Christ: The Word of Truth

SKU: 2981-GROUPED ISBN: 9781505120646

Formed in Christ: A Light to the Nations

SKU: 2983-GROUPED ISBN: 9781505120660

Formed in Christ: I Have Called You

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Formed in Christ: To Do Justice and to Love Mercy

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Formed in Christ: Christ Alive in Us (Set)

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Formed in Christ: A Light to the Nations (Set)

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Formed in Christ: The Word of Truth (Set)

SKU: 3065-GROUPED ISBN: 9781505123142

Formed in Christ: I Have Called You (Set)

SKU: 3062-GROUPED ISBN: 9781505123111

Formed in Christ: To Do Justice and to Love Mercy (Set)

SKU: 3063-GROUPED ISBN: 9781505123128