
About Us

TAN Books was founded in 1967 and was acquired by Saint Benedict Press in 2008. We are a family-owned, traditional Catholic publishing company located near Charlotte, NC. Our products are distributed across the world. Our uncompromising mission is to help people become saints.

TAN Books was founded to keep books that taught the traditional Catholic faith in print. Over the next 40 years, TAN published hundreds of new and classic titles on theology, Scripture, Church history, traditional devotions (including St. Louis de Montfort's Secret of the Rosary, which was printed in more than 4 million copies), and the lives of saints, many of which were reprints of titles from noteworthy American Catholic publishers such as Benziger Brothers and B. Herder Book Company. A number of original works were also published by TAN defending the teachings of the Catholic Church regarding contemporary social issues, such as abortion, compulsory sex education, and Freemasonry.

TAN began publishing the Douay–Rheims Bible in 1971, after it had gone out of print, in order to make it available once more. An English translation of the Latin Vulgate, the Douay–Rheims Bible is still the only traditional Catholic Bible available in the English-speaking world.

Saint Benedict Press acquired TAN in 2008. "TAN Books and Publishers" became "TAN Books" after its acquisition, with the "TAN" acronym now standing for Tuum Adoramus Nomen (Latin for "Let Us Adore Thy Name"). As part of its quality improvement efforts, the company has commissioned more visually appealing book covers, employed more durable book construction, and retype set numerous titles in its catalog.

It has always been TAN's mission to preserve and promote the spiritual, theological, and liturgical traditions of Holy Mother Church. TAN publishes more than 1,000 titles, including titles on Thomistic theology, traditional devotions, Church doctrine, Church history, the lives of saints, educational resources, Sacred Scripture, and much more. While the topics covered in the catalog are broad, the emphasis remains oriented towards the interior life, as modeled by the saints.

Throughout history, the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church has provided God’s children with the tools and resources they need to become saints. If you ever purchase a TAN book that does not help you grow in sanctity, please return it for a full refund. Our number one priority is the salvation of our customers.

TAN Christmas Party
  • TAN Books: Publishes reprints of classic Catholic works on theology, Scripture, traditional devotions, the Tridentine Mass, and lives of the saints, as well as new titles on these subjects by contemporary authors and a line of newly-typeset Douay–Rheims Bibles (co-branded with Saint Benedict Press). In addition, the former "Saint Benedict Press Classics" series is now marketed under the "TAN Classics" moniker. TAN has also, in recent years, published resources aimed toward Catholic homeschooling families; the company has also released a line of audiobooks for some of its new and classic titles.
  • Confraternity of the Precious Blood: TAN currently serves as the distributor of titles issued by the Confraternity (associated with the Brooklyn-based Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood), including My Daily Bread, My Imitation of Christ, My Daily Psalm Book, and Christ in the Gospel.
  • Neumann Press: Acquired by TAN Books in 2013, Neumann Press republishes classic Catholic children's works, history books, and novels aimed at students from primary to secondary school.
TAN Books Employee Appreciation